Saturday, August 29, 2009

Tahun Depan Seluruh Desa di Indonesia Terkoneksi Internet

Pemerintah Indonesia terus berupaya agar seluruh desa di tanah air, terhubung dengan jaringan telepon dan internet. Sebanyak 41.000 desa sudah memiliki jaringan tersebut, dan sisanya 31.000 desa lainnya menyusul tahun depan.

"Artinya, tahun depan seluruh desa di tanah air, termasuk desa terpencil sekalipun, sudah terhubung jaringan komunikasi bahkan internet," ujar Menteri Komunikasi dan Informasi (Menkominfo) Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nuh, saat berkomunikasi dengan anggota DPRD Sumatera Barat yang baaru, di Padang, Jumat. 28 Agustus 2009.

Menurut mantan rektor ITS itu, untuk menyediakan jaringan (penyambungan) akses telekomunikasi dan internet tersebut disediakan anggaran sekitar Rp2 triliun pada tahun 2009.

Menkominfo berharap, setelah jaringan telekomunikasi tersambung di seluruh desa, yang menjadi pemikiran adalah keterjangkauan bagi masyarakat desa itu sendiri, sebab dari akses internet tersebut masyarakat bisa melakukan transaksi ekonomi antarmasyarakat.

Selain menyiapkan sambungan atau jaringan telekomunikasi, katanya, yang tidak kalah penting adalah isi (content) dari jaringan internet itu sendiri terutama yang berkaitan dengan e-education dan e-health.

Setelah semua desa tersambung dengan jaringan telekomunikasi dan internet, katanya, seluruh desa di Indonesia yang jumlahnya mencapai 72 ribu lebih itu ditargetkan memiliki rumah pintar lengkap dengan semua fasilitas penunjangnya termasuk jaringan internet.

Ia mengakui, saat ini Depkominfo bersama beberapa perguruan tinggi negeri (PTN) yakni ITB, UI, ITS, Unair dan Unpad serta ITS tengah mengkajia dan meneliti pengaruh internet terhadap sosial, ekonomi dan budaya di lingkungan masyarakat.

sumber :


Friday, August 28, 2009

Pembuat Virus Pertama

Elk Clonerdinyatakan sebagai salah satu virus mikro komputer yang menyebar luas keluar dari ruan lingkup tempat pembuatanya.
Dibuat pada tahun 1982 oleh seorang murid Sekolah Menengah Atas yang berumur 15 tahun. Ia bernama Rich Skrenta. Virus yang ia buat, saat itu ditujukan untuk sistem komputer Apple II.
Saat itu Skrenta tidak lagi dipercaya oleh teman-tamannya. Hal itu disebabkan oleh kelakuannya yang secara ilegal membagikan game dan software, ia pun sering menggunakan floppy disk untuk mematikan komputer atau untuk menampilkan kata-kata mengejek pada layar. Akhirnya Skrenta pun memikirkan metode untuk melakukannya tanpa floppy disk agar ia tidak dicurigai.

Selama libur musim dingin di Mt. Lebanon High School,Pennsylvania,Amerika, Skrenta menemukan bagaimana cara menampilkan pesan secara otomatis di komputernya. Dan akhirnya dia menemukan apa yang dewasa ini disebut sebagai boot sector virus, dan mulai untuk menyebarkannya di kalangan teman satu sekolahnya serta di sebuah club komputer.

Dari sumber yang didapat virus itu cepat tersebar dan sukses menginfeksi floppy disk orang-orang yang ia kenal, termasuk guru matematikanya. Virusnya banyak merepotkan korban yang terinfeksi. Dapat dibayangkan bagaimana repotnya karena saat itubelum ada satupun antivirus. Virus elk cloner ini hanya dapat dihapus secara manual dengan langkah yang rumit.

Elk Cloner menyebar dengan cara menginfeksi sistem operasi Apple II dengan tehnik boot sector virus. Artinya jika kita melakukan booting komputer menggunakan floppy disk yang sudah terinfeksi maka virus akan secara otomatis terkopi ke memory. Dan apabila ada floppy disk bersih dimasukan ke komputer virus akan mengkopi dirinya ke floppy itu.

Komputer yang terinfeksi akan menampilkan sebuah puisi dilayar saat booting ke 50.

Dibawah ini puisinya :

Elk Cloner: The program with a personality
It will get on all your disks
It will infiltrate your chips
Yes it’s Cloner!
It will stick to you like glue
It will modify RAM too
Send in the Cloner!

Kesimpulannya, Elk Cloner tidak membuat sebuah kerusakan hanya merubah sistem pada floppy yang berisikan Apple DOS.

Saat ini, Skrenta jadi CEO di Blekko Inc, sebuah search engine internet


New ! IHD 2.1 19-08-09

IHD 2.1 Update 19/08-09

ID : dancer01 dst.
password : 111
password optinal : 123123

F3::auto rede [auto F1]
F4 :auto space
F5 :auto beat up
F6 :auto beat rush
F7 :auto arrow selain crazy,dynamic,freestyle,cherco
F8 :auto BBoy
F11:auto crazy,dynamic,freestyle,cherco
F12: Off semua auto arrow
... +: Menambah Tempat Auto Space Supaya Cool, Great
... -: Mengurangi Tempat Auto Space Supaya Cool, Great
-Tab: Sometimes Auto Show (Couple)
-CapsLock: Auto BeatUp
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html beginner guide

Create highly functional, impressive websites in no time. Fully updated and revised, HTML: A Beginner’s Guide, Fourth Edition explains how to structure a page, place images, format text, create links, add color, work with multimedia, and use forms. You’ll also go beyond the basics and learn how to save your own web graphics, use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), create dynamic web content with basic javascript, and upload your site to the web. By the end of the book you’ll be able to build custom websites using the latest HTML techniques. An all-new chapter also covers creating HTML for e-mail, a hot-button issue for any business seeking to reach its target audience through online communication.

Designed for Easy Learning
* Key Skills & Concepts–Chapter-opening lists of specific skills covered in the chapter
* Ask the Expert–Q&A sections filled with bonus information and helpful tips
* Try This–Hands-on exercises that show you how to apply your skills
* Notes–Extra information related to the topic being covered
* Tips–Helpful reminders or alternate ways of doing things
* Self-Tests–Chapter-ending quizzes to test your knowledge



RegAce 1.2

RegAce is one of the newest registry cleaners on the Internet, using some of the most advanced technology to clean a range of problems from your computer.

* Windows Installer Errors
* ActiveX Errors
* ActiveX Control problems
* Windows Startup Errors
* Windows Explorer Errors
* Windows Media player Errors
* l sass.exe , svchost.exe &other exe Errors
* Windows Operating System Problems
* Registry Errors
* DLL Errors
* Runtime Errors
* IExplore and System32 Errors
* System Crashes
* Slow PC Performance
* Chkdsk Issues
* Computer Freezing
* Internet Explorer Errors
* javascript Errors
* Dr Watson Errors
* Hardware Malfunction
* Blue Screen
* Vista, XP, 2000, 98 and ME Issues
* Scan Disk
* Driver Errors
* Corrupt Registry Files
* Task Manager related
* Computer & Application Shutdown
* RegAce detects the most registry problems
* Cleans registry, fixes errors, and optimizes your PC for better performance
* Prevent application crashes
* Load windows faster
* Run applications smoothly
* Maintain your system like new
* Manage your Internet Explore more handle
* Regain disk space
* Protects your privacy
* Easy to use, saving you time and energy
* Unlimited free technical support
* Prevents PC from Freezing & Crashing


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Download Kaspersky Antivirus , Internet Security Working keys for all versions for 2 years

100 % Latest Working Keys For All versions of Kaspersky Antivirus & Internet Security..

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100 % Latest Working Keys For All versions of Kaspersky Antivirus & Internet Security..
Valid for more than 600 days, Legit Keys, so hopefully wont be blacklisted as it is a big list..

Download: 6 Mb


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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hacking Exposed: Network Security Secrets and Solutions, Sixth Edition

Stuart McClure
720 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media; 6 edition (January 5, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0071613749
"Right now you hold in your hand one of the most successful security books ever written. Rather than being a sideline participant, leverage the valuable insights Hacking Exposed 6 provides to help yourself, your company, and your country fight cyber-crime." --From the Foreword by Dave DeWalt, President and CEO, McAfee, Inc.

New and updated material:
New chapter on hacking hardware, including lock bumping, access card cloning, RFID hacks, USB U3 exploits, and Bluetooth device hijacking
Updated Windows attacks and countermeasures, including new Vista and Server 2008 vulnerabilities and Metasploit exploits
The latest UNIX Trojan and rootkit techniques and dangling pointer and input validation exploits
New wireless and RFID security tools, including multilayered encryption and gateways
All-new tracerouting and eavesdropping techniques used to target network hardware and Cisco devices
Updated DoS, man-in-the-middle, DNS poisoning, and buffer overflow coverage
VPN and VoIP exploits, including Google and TFTP tricks, SIP flooding, and IPsec hacking
Fully updated chapters on hacking the Internet user, web hacking, and securing code



Friday, August 21, 2009

adobe photoshop cs3

Adobe Photoshop, atau biasa disebut Photoshop, adalah perangkat lunak editor citra buatan Adobe Systems yang dikhususkan untuk pengeditan foto/gambar dan pembuatan efek. Perangkat lunak ini banyak digunakan oleh fotografer digital dan perusahaan iklan sehingga dianggap sebagai pemimpin pasar (market leader) untuk perangkat lunak pengolah gambar, dan, bersama Adobe Acrobat, dianggap sebagai produk terbaik yang pernah diproduksi oleh Adobe Systems. Versi kedelapan aplikasi ini disebut dengan nama Photoshop CS (Creative Suite), versi sembilan disebut Photoshop CS2, versi sepuluh disebut Adobe Photoshop CS3 , dan yang terakhir ini adalah Adobe Photoshop CS4.

Photoshop tersedia untuk Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, dan Mac OS; versi 9 ke atas juga dapat digunakan oleh sistem operasi lain seperti Linux dengan bantuan perangkat lunak tertentu seperti CrossOver.

untuk mendownloadnya.:
bila di password: indowebster4ever


ice age 3

Language: English
Release name: Ice.Age.3.Iso Repack
Size: 1.61 GB
Publisher: Activision
Platform: PC
Release Date: June 30, 2009
Release Region: United States
System requirements:
Windows XP Sp2 / Vista
CPU: Pentium IV 2 GHz
Operating memory: 1 Gb
Free space: 3 Gb
Audio: DirectX compatibility
Video: DirectX® 9.0c compatibility, 256 Mb

Download: 1.61 GB


Thursday, August 20, 2009


Ghostbusters: The Video Game [2009] | PC Game | Genre: Action / 3D
Developer: Terminal Reality | Publisher: Atari | Language: English

After twenty years after the second part of the movie «Hunters for ghosts» famous team of wrestlers with the ghost is back! You easily find your favorite heroes: the key characters are meticulously copy of Bill Murray, Dan Eykroyda,, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson. Besides Eykroyd and Ramis, who worked on the subjects of films, wrote the script for the game. This means that you are waiting for the fascinating, funny and frightening at the same time adventures!

Minimum System Requirements
OS: Windows XP / Window vista
CPU: Dual-core Any Intel® or AMD® or faster
Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® 8400 512 MB or ATI®Radeon® X1300 512 MB, Shader 3.0 Required
Sound: DirectX® 9.0c compatible
Hard Drive: 9 GB or more available hard drive space



avast beta 5.0

The most popular free antivirus with more than 80 000 000 registered users. Perfect for people who send e-mails and surf popular websites, but do not store any sensitive data on their computers.

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Chromium - a web-browser open source, which is created on the basis of Google Chrome, browser from Google, a Web-based applications. In Chromium (as at May 2009) implemented the basic functionality of the display of web pages in tabs (tabah) and functional address bar Omnibox, and are not supported by other functions expected from a modern browser. In addition to Google Chrome, Chromium is created on the base and other open source project from a company called SRWare Iron.

Size: 11.86 Mb




rapidshare auto downloader portable

A software for automatic download of links for free users. Rapidshare Auto Downloader is a handy automatic downloader for users.

Here are some key features of "Rapidshare Auto Downloader":
· Download a group of links from rapidshare (one by one).
· Download incomplete downloads until all links are downloaded.
· Autoshutdown feature
· Load and save the download list.
· Check for new versions automatically.
· Support of 3 Languages : English , Farsi , French

· NET Framework

What's New in This Release:
· Resolving the internet disconnection freezing problem
· Resolving the problem of setting the status of last downloaded file before shutdown
New Features:
· Adding the ability to move a group of lniks up and down
· Adding the ability to set comment for each link in order to store the zip file password
· Forcing the program to finish the uppder link before going to next link
· Minimizing the application to tray when the window is closed.

OS: Windows All

Download: 2.51 MB



FabulaTech USB Over Network Server Edition v4.1.1

You can easily share an external USB drive or a printer over a network.Lab instruments, scanners, cameras, card readers, bar code scanners, PDAs, USB keys and others are usually considered to be non-shareable. Thus, normally you need to move your USB devices from one computer to another. Sometimes, though, this is not an easy task, especially when you need to use a device that is physically located in another building or even another city.USB is the standard interface used by most modern computer devices today. But, USB was designed to connect electronic peripherals only to a single computer.Previously, the only way to share a non-shareable device was to buy an expensive hardware USB switch. A hardware switch takes up space, consumes power and is often quite expensive.

USB Over Network is a revolutionary software solution from FabulaTech. No need to move devices from one computer to another, and no need to buy expensive hardware switches. You can access a USB device connected to a remote computer from your computer via a LAN or the Internet as if it were physically plugged into your own PC.The program consists of a "Server" and a "Client". You should install the Server on the computer to which the device you want to share is physically connected. You can install the Client on all PCs from which you need to access the shared device.USB Over Network is easy to install and use. It supports a wide range of USB devices. This software will not require you to have any special knowledge and will install easily right out of the box.Share your USB device without risk of losing it! Access remote instruments without leaving your chair!

Key Features:-
· Allows to work with remote USB devices as with local ones
· Unlimited USB devices can be shared on server
· Unlimited USB devices can be accessed from client
· Wide variety of USB devices is supported
· Auto-sharing of new USB devices
· Auto-sharing exclude list
· Auto-connecting of USB devices which got shared on the server
· USB devices safe removal is supported
· Compatibility
· USB v1.1 and USB v2.0 compatible
· Hardware Universal Serial Bus controllers compatible
· Hyper-Threading Technology compatible
· Multiprocessor platforms compatible
· True Plug-and-Play
· User Interface
· User-friendly program interface
· Hot USB devices sharing/unsharing (without computer reboot)
· Developer API
· USB devices sharing or connection from your application directly using dynamic link library (OEM license)




TopStyle contains powerful tools for building standards-compliant web sites. TopStyle allows you to save your document ANSI-encoded (the TopStyle 3.x default), or Unicode-encoded (UTF-8 or UTF-16). When you open an existing document, TopStyle will auto-detect the encoding for the document you're trying to open. The new FTP Explorer Panel allows you to edit online documents via FTP. When you save your document, it is automatically uploaded to your FTP site. TopStyle comes with a new, user-configurable HTML toolbar that is displayed above the editor. Simply drag-n-drop any snippet from this HTML toolbar into your document. TopStyle includes new CSS definitions for IE8 (Microsoft Internet Explorer 8), FF3 (Mozilla FireFox 3), and SF3 (Apple Safari 3).

Main features:
» Preview CSS while you write it
» Easily create pleasant color schemes for your site
» Style Checker validates your CSS syntax against multiple browsers
» Use Site Reports to see at-a-glance where CSS styles are used in your site
» Style Upgrade quickly replaces all outdated HTML code with equivalent CSS styling

What's new in TopStyle 4?
* Unicode. TopStyle allows you to save your document ANSI-encoded (the TopStyle 3.x default), or Unicode-encoded (UTF-8 or UTF-16). When you open an existing document, TopStyle will auto-detect the encoding for the document you're trying to open.
* Live FTP editing. The new FTP Explorer Panel allows you to edit online documents via FTP. When you save your document, it is automatically uploaded to your FTP site.
* HTML toolbar. TopStyle comes with a new, user-configurable HTML toolbar that is displayed above the editor. Simply drag-n-drop any snippet from this HTML toolbar into your document.
* New CSS definitions. TopStyle includes new CSS definitions for IE8 (Microsoft Internet Explorer 8), FF3 (Mozilla FireFox 3), and SF3 (Apple Safari 3).
* Script Insight. TopStyle includes Script Insight for ASP (both javascript and VBScript), PHP, and ColdFusion.
* Bookmarks. TopStyle contains new powerful commands for navigating your documents, including 10 bookmarked locations for each document.
* iPhone (and iPod touch) webapp development. TopStyle includes iWebKit, a simple and advanced development framework for iPhone (and iPod touch) webapp development. In addition to iWebKit, TopStyle includes new CSS definitions for iPhone OS 1.1 and iPhone OS 2.0. Last but not least, TopStyle includes a new *internal* preview for Apple Safari.
* Improved inline style. Inline style attributes (eg. style="|") support CSS color-coding and CSS Insight (Ctrl+Space).
* IE8 document compatibility. TopStyle allows you to switch IE8 document compatibility mode easily, and compare different IE8 document compatibility modes in it's side-by-side preview.
* Improved CSS Insight. CSS shorthand (sub)property values are grouped. Insight includes recently used colors (CSS color properties only).
* Live spelling (HTML only). TopStyle identifies spelling errors as you type with wavy red underlines, and allows you to act upon each identified problem with a new context menu.
* Support for the latest web browsers. TopStyle auto-detects the latest web browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera, and Google Chrome.

Brought to you by Agroni112



google chrome os

Google Chrome has always been a little more than a browser: it's optimized for running web applications, each tab runs as a separate process, the interface is minimalistic and there's even a task manager. "We realized that the web had evolved from mainly simple text pages to rich, interactive applications and that we needed to completely rethink the browser. What we really needed was not just a browser, but also a modern platform for web pages and applications, and that's what we set out to build," said Google in September 2008.

Google's blog announces a natural extension of the Chrome project: an operating system for netbooks. "Google Chrome OS is an open source, lightweight operating system that will initially be targeted at netbooks. Later this year we will open-source its code, and netbooks running Google Chrome OS will be available for consumers in the second half of 2010. (...) Google Chrome OS will run on both x86 as well as ARM chips and we are working with multiple OEMs to bring a number of netbooks to market next year. The software architecture is simple — Google Chrome running within a new windowing system on top of a Linux kernel."

As people use more and more web applications, the operating system becomes less important and it makes no sense to pay for it. The desktop mail client could be replaced by Gmail, the calendaring application could be replaced by Google Calendar, the office suite has lightweight alternatives: Google Docs and Zoho, it makes more sense to use an online feed reader like Google Reader, your scientific calculator is less powerful than Wolfram Alpha and you'll rarely need a video player when you have YouTube, Hulu and other video sites.

This idea is not new and there are already operating systems optimized for the browser. For example, Good OS announced last year Cloud, an operating system that "integrates a web browser with a compressed Linux operating system kernel for immediate access to Internet, integration of browser and rich client applications, and full control of the computer from inside the browser". If Google manages to create a great user interface, the new operating system could be very successful.

Note :
This is a Bootable ISO Image, So please burn direct ISO Image to CD with Alcohol 120% or Nero.
Live OS are Preinstalled and It is boot like a Windows XP Bootable CD, Insert Live CD & Restart PC, Now Your Live OS will start.
For Shutdown OS,Remove Live CD and restart your PC, Now your Installed OS like XP, Vista will Start.

if any password: