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Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Tahun Depan Seluruh Desa di Indonesia Terkoneksi Internet
Pemerintah Indonesia terus berupaya agar seluruh desa di tanah air, terhubung dengan jaringan telepon dan internet. Sebanyak 41.000 desa sudah memiliki jaringan tersebut, dan sisanya 31.000 desa lainnya menyusul tahun depan.
"Artinya, tahun depan seluruh desa di tanah air, termasuk desa terpencil sekalipun, sudah terhubung jaringan komunikasi bahkan internet," ujar Menteri Komunikasi dan Informasi (Menkominfo) Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nuh, saat berkomunikasi dengan anggota DPRD Sumatera Barat yang baaru, di Padang, Jumat. 28 Agustus 2009.
Menurut mantan rektor ITS itu, untuk menyediakan jaringan (penyambungan) akses telekomunikasi dan internet tersebut disediakan anggaran sekitar Rp2 triliun pada tahun 2009.
Menkominfo berharap, setelah jaringan telekomunikasi tersambung di seluruh desa, yang menjadi pemikiran adalah keterjangkauan bagi masyarakat desa itu sendiri, sebab dari akses internet tersebut masyarakat bisa melakukan transaksi ekonomi antarmasyarakat.
Selain menyiapkan sambungan atau jaringan telekomunikasi, katanya, yang tidak kalah penting adalah isi (content) dari jaringan internet itu sendiri terutama yang berkaitan dengan e-education dan e-health.
Setelah semua desa tersambung dengan jaringan telekomunikasi dan internet, katanya, seluruh desa di Indonesia yang jumlahnya mencapai 72 ribu lebih itu ditargetkan memiliki rumah pintar lengkap dengan semua fasilitas penunjangnya termasuk jaringan internet.
Ia mengakui, saat ini Depkominfo bersama beberapa perguruan tinggi negeri (PTN) yakni ITB, UI, ITS, Unair dan Unpad serta ITS tengah mengkajia dan meneliti pengaruh internet terhadap sosial, ekonomi dan budaya di lingkungan masyarakat.
sumber :
Pemerintah Indonesia terus berupaya agar seluruh desa di tanah air, terhubung dengan jaringan telepon dan internet. Sebanyak 41.000 desa sudah memiliki jaringan tersebut, dan sisanya 31.000 desa lainnya menyusul tahun depan.
"Artinya, tahun depan seluruh desa di tanah air, termasuk desa terpencil sekalipun, sudah terhubung jaringan komunikasi bahkan internet," ujar Menteri Komunikasi dan Informasi (Menkominfo) Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nuh, saat berkomunikasi dengan anggota DPRD Sumatera Barat yang baaru, di Padang, Jumat. 28 Agustus 2009.
Menurut mantan rektor ITS itu, untuk menyediakan jaringan (penyambungan) akses telekomunikasi dan internet tersebut disediakan anggaran sekitar Rp2 triliun pada tahun 2009.
Menkominfo berharap, setelah jaringan telekomunikasi tersambung di seluruh desa, yang menjadi pemikiran adalah keterjangkauan bagi masyarakat desa itu sendiri, sebab dari akses internet tersebut masyarakat bisa melakukan transaksi ekonomi antarmasyarakat.
Selain menyiapkan sambungan atau jaringan telekomunikasi, katanya, yang tidak kalah penting adalah isi (content) dari jaringan internet itu sendiri terutama yang berkaitan dengan e-education dan e-health.
Setelah semua desa tersambung dengan jaringan telekomunikasi dan internet, katanya, seluruh desa di Indonesia yang jumlahnya mencapai 72 ribu lebih itu ditargetkan memiliki rumah pintar lengkap dengan semua fasilitas penunjangnya termasuk jaringan internet.
Ia mengakui, saat ini Depkominfo bersama beberapa perguruan tinggi negeri (PTN) yakni ITB, UI, ITS, Unair dan Unpad serta ITS tengah mengkajia dan meneliti pengaruh internet terhadap sosial, ekonomi dan budaya di lingkungan masyarakat.
sumber :
Friday, August 28, 2009
Pembuat Virus Pertama
Elk Clonerdinyatakan sebagai salah satu virus mikro komputer yang menyebar luas keluar dari ruan lingkup tempat pembuatanya.
Dibuat pada tahun 1982 oleh seorang murid Sekolah Menengah Atas yang berumur 15 tahun. Ia bernama Rich Skrenta. Virus yang ia buat, saat itu ditujukan untuk sistem komputer Apple II.
Saat itu Skrenta tidak lagi dipercaya oleh teman-tamannya. Hal itu disebabkan oleh kelakuannya yang secara ilegal membagikan game dan software, ia pun sering menggunakan floppy disk untuk mematikan komputer atau untuk menampilkan kata-kata mengejek pada layar. Akhirnya Skrenta pun memikirkan metode untuk melakukannya tanpa floppy disk agar ia tidak dicurigai.
Selama libur musim dingin di Mt. Lebanon High School,Pennsylvania,Amerika, Skrenta menemukan bagaimana cara menampilkan pesan secara otomatis di komputernya. Dan akhirnya dia menemukan apa yang dewasa ini disebut sebagai boot sector virus, dan mulai untuk menyebarkannya di kalangan teman satu sekolahnya serta di sebuah club komputer.
Dari sumber yang didapat virus itu cepat tersebar dan sukses menginfeksi floppy disk orang-orang yang ia kenal, termasuk guru matematikanya. Virusnya banyak merepotkan korban yang terinfeksi. Dapat dibayangkan bagaimana repotnya karena saat itubelum ada satupun antivirus. Virus elk cloner ini hanya dapat dihapus secara manual dengan langkah yang rumit.
Elk Cloner menyebar dengan cara menginfeksi sistem operasi Apple II dengan tehnik boot sector virus. Artinya jika kita melakukan booting komputer menggunakan floppy disk yang sudah terinfeksi maka virus akan secara otomatis terkopi ke memory. Dan apabila ada floppy disk bersih dimasukan ke komputer virus akan mengkopi dirinya ke floppy itu.
Komputer yang terinfeksi akan menampilkan sebuah puisi dilayar saat booting ke 50.
Dibawah ini puisinya :
Elk Cloner: The program with a personality
It will get on all your disks
It will infiltrate your chips
Yes it’s Cloner!
It will stick to you like glue
It will modify RAM too
Send in the Cloner!
Kesimpulannya, Elk Cloner tidak membuat sebuah kerusakan hanya merubah sistem pada floppy yang berisikan Apple DOS.
Saat ini, Skrenta jadi CEO di Blekko Inc, sebuah search engine internet
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IHD 2.1 Update 19/08-09
ID : dancer01 dst.
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F5 :auto beat up
F6 :auto beat rush
F7 :auto arrow selain crazy,dynamic,freestyle,cherco
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F12: Off semua auto arrow
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-Tab: Sometimes Auto Show (Couple)
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ID : dancer01 dst.
password : 111
password optinal : 123123
F3::auto rede [auto F1]
F4 :auto space
F5 :auto beat up
F6 :auto beat rush
F7 :auto arrow selain crazy,dynamic,freestyle,cherco
F8 :auto BBoy
F11:auto crazy,dynamic,freestyle,cherco
F12: Off semua auto arrow
... +: Menambah Tempat Auto Space Supaya Cool, Great
... -: Mengurangi Tempat Auto Space Supaya Cool, Great
-Tab: Sometimes Auto Show (Couple)
-CapsLock: Auto BeatUp
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html beginner guide
Create highly functional, impressive websites in no time. Fully updated and revised, HTML: A Beginner’s Guide, Fourth Edition explains how to structure a page, place images, format text, create links, add color, work with multimedia, and use forms. You’ll also go beyond the basics and learn how to save your own web graphics, use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), create dynamic web content with basic javascript, and upload your site to the web. By the end of the book you’ll be able to build custom websites using the latest HTML techniques. An all-new chapter also covers creating HTML for e-mail, a hot-button issue for any business seeking to reach its target audience through online communication.
Designed for Easy Learning
* Key Skills & Concepts–Chapter-opening lists of specific skills covered in the chapter
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* Tips–Helpful reminders or alternate ways of doing things
* Self-Tests–Chapter-ending quizzes to test your knowledge
RegAce 1.2
RegAce is one of the newest registry cleaners on the Internet, using some of the most advanced technology to clean a range of problems from your computer.
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Tuesday, August 25, 2009
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Saturday, August 22, 2009
Hacking Exposed: Network Security Secrets and Solutions, Sixth Edition
Stuart McClure
720 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media; 6 edition (January 5, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0071613749
"Right now you hold in your hand one of the most successful security books ever written. Rather than being a sideline participant, leverage the valuable insights Hacking Exposed 6 provides to help yourself, your company, and your country fight cyber-crime." --From the Foreword by Dave DeWalt, President and CEO, McAfee, Inc.
New and updated material:
New chapter on hacking hardware, including lock bumping, access card cloning, RFID hacks, USB U3 exploits, and Bluetooth device hijacking
Updated Windows attacks and countermeasures, including new Vista and Server 2008 vulnerabilities and Metasploit exploits
The latest UNIX Trojan and rootkit techniques and dangling pointer and input validation exploits
New wireless and RFID security tools, including multilayered encryption and gateways
All-new tracerouting and eavesdropping techniques used to target network hardware and Cisco devices
Updated DoS, man-in-the-middle, DNS poisoning, and buffer overflow coverage
VPN and VoIP exploits, including Google and TFTP tricks, SIP flooding, and IPsec hacking
Fully updated chapters on hacking the Internet user, web hacking, and securing code
Friday, August 21, 2009
adobe photoshop cs3
Adobe Photoshop, atau biasa disebut Photoshop, adalah perangkat lunak editor citra buatan Adobe Systems yang dikhususkan untuk pengeditan foto/gambar dan pembuatan efek. Perangkat lunak ini banyak digunakan oleh fotografer digital dan perusahaan iklan sehingga dianggap sebagai pemimpin pasar (market leader) untuk perangkat lunak pengolah gambar, dan, bersama Adobe Acrobat, dianggap sebagai produk terbaik yang pernah diproduksi oleh Adobe Systems. Versi kedelapan aplikasi ini disebut dengan nama Photoshop CS (Creative Suite), versi sembilan disebut Photoshop CS2, versi sepuluh disebut Adobe Photoshop CS3 , dan yang terakhir ini adalah Adobe Photoshop CS4.
Photoshop tersedia untuk Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, dan Mac OS; versi 9 ke atas juga dapat digunakan oleh sistem operasi lain seperti Linux dengan bantuan perangkat lunak tertentu seperti CrossOver.
untuk mendownloadnya.:
bila di password: indowebster4ever
Photoshop tersedia untuk Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, dan Mac OS; versi 9 ke atas juga dapat digunakan oleh sistem operasi lain seperti Linux dengan bantuan perangkat lunak tertentu seperti CrossOver.
untuk mendownloadnya.:
bila di password: indowebster4ever
ice age 3
Language: English
Release name: Ice.Age.3.Iso Repack
Size: 1.61 GB
Publisher: Activision
Platform: PC
Release Date: June 30, 2009
Release Region: United States
System requirements:
Windows XP Sp2 / Vista
CPU: Pentium IV 2 GHz
Operating memory: 1 Gb
Free space: 3 Gb
Audio: DirectX compatibility
Video: DirectX® 9.0c compatibility, 256 Mb
Download: 1.61 GB
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Ghostbusters: The Video Game [2009] | PC Game | Genre: Action / 3D
Developer: Terminal Reality | Publisher: Atari | Language: English
After twenty years after the second part of the movie «Hunters for ghosts» famous team of wrestlers with the ghost is back! You easily find your favorite heroes: the key characters are meticulously copy of Bill Murray, Dan Eykroyda,, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson. Besides Eykroyd and Ramis, who worked on the subjects of films, wrote the script for the game. This means that you are waiting for the fascinating, funny and frightening at the same time adventures!
Minimum System Requirements
OS: Windows XP / Window vista
CPU: Dual-core Any Intel® or AMD® or faster
Graphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® 8400 512 MB or ATI®Radeon® X1300 512 MB, Shader 3.0 Required
Sound: DirectX® 9.0c compatible
Hard Drive: 9 GB or more available hard drive space
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The most popular free antivirus with more than 80 000 000 registered users. Perfect for people who send e-mails and surf popular websites, but do not store any sensitive data on their computers.
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Chromium - a web-browser open source, which is created on the basis of Google Chrome, browser from Google, a Web-based applications. In Chromium (as at May 2009) implemented the basic functionality of the display of web pages in tabs (tabah) and functional address bar Omnibox, and are not supported by other functions expected from a modern browser. In addition to Google Chrome, Chromium is created on the base and other open source project from a company called SRWare Iron.
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rapidshare auto downloader portable
A software for automatic download of links for free users. Rapidshare Auto Downloader is a handy automatic downloader for users.
Here are some key features of "Rapidshare Auto Downloader":
· Download a group of links from rapidshare (one by one).
· Download incomplete downloads until all links are downloaded.
· Autoshutdown feature
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· Check for new versions automatically.
· Support of 3 Languages : English , Farsi , French
· NET Framework
What's New in This Release:
· Resolving the internet disconnection freezing problem
· Resolving the problem of setting the status of last downloaded file before shutdown
New Features:
· Adding the ability to move a group of lniks up and down
· Adding the ability to set comment for each link in order to store the zip file password
· Forcing the program to finish the uppder link before going to next link
· Minimizing the application to tray when the window is closed.
OS: Windows All
Download: 2.51 MB
FabulaTech USB Over Network Server Edition v4.1.1
You can easily share an external USB drive or a printer over a network.Lab instruments, scanners, cameras, card readers, bar code scanners, PDAs, USB keys and others are usually considered to be non-shareable. Thus, normally you need to move your USB devices from one computer to another. Sometimes, though, this is not an easy task, especially when you need to use a device that is physically located in another building or even another city.USB is the standard interface used by most modern computer devices today. But, USB was designed to connect electronic peripherals only to a single computer.Previously, the only way to share a non-shareable device was to buy an expensive hardware USB switch. A hardware switch takes up space, consumes power and is often quite expensive.
USB Over Network is a revolutionary software solution from FabulaTech. No need to move devices from one computer to another, and no need to buy expensive hardware switches. You can access a USB device connected to a remote computer from your computer via a LAN or the Internet as if it were physically plugged into your own PC.The program consists of a "Server" and a "Client". You should install the Server on the computer to which the device you want to share is physically connected. You can install the Client on all PCs from which you need to access the shared device.USB Over Network is easy to install and use. It supports a wide range of USB devices. This software will not require you to have any special knowledge and will install easily right out of the box.Share your USB device without risk of losing it! Access remote instruments without leaving your chair!
Key Features:-
· Allows to work with remote USB devices as with local ones
· Unlimited USB devices can be shared on server
· Unlimited USB devices can be accessed from client
· Wide variety of USB devices is supported
· Auto-sharing of new USB devices
· Auto-sharing exclude list
· Auto-connecting of USB devices which got shared on the server
· USB devices safe removal is supported
· Compatibility
· USB v1.1 and USB v2.0 compatible
· Hardware Universal Serial Bus controllers compatible
· Hyper-Threading Technology compatible
· Multiprocessor platforms compatible
· True Plug-and-Play
· User Interface
· User-friendly program interface
· Hot USB devices sharing/unsharing (without computer reboot)
· Developer API
· USB devices sharing or connection from your application directly using dynamic link library (OEM license)
TopStyle contains powerful tools for building standards-compliant web sites. TopStyle allows you to save your document ANSI-encoded (the TopStyle 3.x default), or Unicode-encoded (UTF-8 or UTF-16). When you open an existing document, TopStyle will auto-detect the encoding for the document you're trying to open. The new FTP Explorer Panel allows you to edit online documents via FTP. When you save your document, it is automatically uploaded to your FTP site. TopStyle comes with a new, user-configurable HTML toolbar that is displayed above the editor. Simply drag-n-drop any snippet from this HTML toolbar into your document. TopStyle includes new CSS definitions for IE8 (Microsoft Internet Explorer 8), FF3 (Mozilla FireFox 3), and SF3 (Apple Safari 3).
Main features:
» Preview CSS while you write it
» Easily create pleasant color schemes for your site
» Style Checker validates your CSS syntax against multiple browsers
» Use Site Reports to see at-a-glance where CSS styles are used in your site
» Style Upgrade quickly replaces all outdated HTML code with equivalent CSS styling
What's new in TopStyle 4?
* Unicode. TopStyle allows you to save your document ANSI-encoded (the TopStyle 3.x default), or Unicode-encoded (UTF-8 or UTF-16). When you open an existing document, TopStyle will auto-detect the encoding for the document you're trying to open.
* Live FTP editing. The new FTP Explorer Panel allows you to edit online documents via FTP. When you save your document, it is automatically uploaded to your FTP site.
* HTML toolbar. TopStyle comes with a new, user-configurable HTML toolbar that is displayed above the editor. Simply drag-n-drop any snippet from this HTML toolbar into your document.
* New CSS definitions. TopStyle includes new CSS definitions for IE8 (Microsoft Internet Explorer 8), FF3 (Mozilla FireFox 3), and SF3 (Apple Safari 3).
* Script Insight. TopStyle includes Script Insight for ASP (both javascript and VBScript), PHP, and ColdFusion.
* Bookmarks. TopStyle contains new powerful commands for navigating your documents, including 10 bookmarked locations for each document.
* iPhone (and iPod touch) webapp development. TopStyle includes iWebKit, a simple and advanced development framework for iPhone (and iPod touch) webapp development. In addition to iWebKit, TopStyle includes new CSS definitions for iPhone OS 1.1 and iPhone OS 2.0. Last but not least, TopStyle includes a new *internal* preview for Apple Safari.
* Improved inline style. Inline style attributes (eg. style="|") support CSS color-coding and CSS Insight (Ctrl+Space).
* IE8 document compatibility. TopStyle allows you to switch IE8 document compatibility mode easily, and compare different IE8 document compatibility modes in it's side-by-side preview.
* Improved CSS Insight. CSS shorthand (sub)property values are grouped. Insight includes recently used colors (CSS color properties only).
* Live spelling (HTML only). TopStyle identifies spelling errors as you type with wavy red underlines, and allows you to act upon each identified problem with a new context menu.
* Support for the latest web browsers. TopStyle auto-detects the latest web browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera, and Google Chrome.
Brought to you by Agroni112
google chrome os
Google Chrome has always been a little more than a browser: it's optimized for running web applications, each tab runs as a separate process, the interface is minimalistic and there's even a task manager. "We realized that the web had evolved from mainly simple text pages to rich, interactive applications and that we needed to completely rethink the browser. What we really needed was not just a browser, but also a modern platform for web pages and applications, and that's what we set out to build," said Google in September 2008.
Google's blog announces a natural extension of the Chrome project: an operating system for netbooks. "Google Chrome OS is an open source, lightweight operating system that will initially be targeted at netbooks. Later this year we will open-source its code, and netbooks running Google Chrome OS will be available for consumers in the second half of 2010. (...) Google Chrome OS will run on both x86 as well as ARM chips and we are working with multiple OEMs to bring a number of netbooks to market next year. The software architecture is simple — Google Chrome running within a new windowing system on top of a Linux kernel."
As people use more and more web applications, the operating system becomes less important and it makes no sense to pay for it. The desktop mail client could be replaced by Gmail, the calendaring application could be replaced by Google Calendar, the office suite has lightweight alternatives: Google Docs and Zoho, it makes more sense to use an online feed reader like Google Reader, your scientific calculator is less powerful than Wolfram Alpha and you'll rarely need a video player when you have YouTube, Hulu and other video sites.
This idea is not new and there are already operating systems optimized for the browser. For example, Good OS announced last year Cloud, an operating system that "integrates a web browser with a compressed Linux operating system kernel for immediate access to Internet, integration of browser and rich client applications, and full control of the computer from inside the browser". If Google manages to create a great user interface, the new operating system could be very successful.
Note :
This is a Bootable ISO Image, So please burn direct ISO Image to CD with Alcohol 120% or Nero.
Live OS are Preinstalled and It is boot like a Windows XP Bootable CD, Insert Live CD & Restart PC, Now Your Live OS will start.
For Shutdown OS,Remove Live CD and restart your PC, Now your Installed OS like XP, Vista will Start.
if any password:
Friday, March 6, 2009
10 virus tersadis
1.Storm Worm
Muncul taon 2006, disebut “Storm Worm” karena nyebar via email dengan judul “230 dead as storm batters Europe”. Storm worm adalah program Trojan house. beberapa versinya bisa buat komputer menjadi bots. Atau biasa digunakan hacker untuk spam mail melalui internet.
2. Leap-A/Oompa- A
Mac yang punya konsep security through obscurity yakin tidak akan terserang virus karena OS nya sistem tertutup. Tapi tahun 2006, virus Leap-A atau biasa disebut Oompa-A muncul. Nyebar lewat iChat pada Mac. Setelah Mac terserang, virus itu akan mencari kontak melalui iChat dan kirim pesan ke tiap kontak itu. Pesannya itu berisi file corrupt yang berbentuk JPEG. Memang tidak berbahaya, namun hal ini menyatakan bahwa masih mungkin akan ada virus berbahaya yang menyerang MAC.
3. Sasser and Netsky
Penciptanya anak Jerman umur 17 tahun, Sven Jaschan. Sasser nyerang Microsoft Windows. Sasser ini ga nyebar via email. Tapi jika satu komputer koneksi ke komputer yang kena virus ini. Virus ini bikin komputer tidak bisa di-shutdown tanpa cabut power. Netsky nyebar melalui email dengan 22 Kb attachment file dan jaringan Windows. Bisa bikin serangan DoS. Sven Jaschan tidak dipenjara hanya diberi masa percobaan 1 taon 9 bulan, karena umurnya masih di bawah 18 taon.
4. MyDome (Novarg)
Mulai nyerang tanggal 1 Februari 2004, virus ini buat backdoor di OS. Pertama kali tanggal 1 itu mulai DDoS. Kedua, tanggal 12 Feb, virus ini berhenti menyebar dan mulai buat backdoors. MyDoom menyebar via email, selain itu selalu search di search engines, seperti Google mulai menerima jutaan permintaan pencarian dan bikin lambat sampai akhirnya crash. Gara2 MyDoom, Senator US Chuck Schumer mengajukan pembuatan National Virus Response Center.
5.SQL Slammer/Saphire
Muncul Januari 2003, nyebar cepet lewat internet. Waktu itu bikin layanan ATM Bank Amerika crash, ancurnya layanan 911 Seattle, dan Continental Airlines membatalkan beberapap penerbangan karena eror check in ama tiketing. Bikin rugi lebih dari $1 milliar sebelum dipacthed.
Ini juga tahun 2001, kebalikan dari kata “admiN”. Penyebarannya sangat cepat, menurut TruSecure CTO Peter Tippet, Nimda hanya butuh 22 menit buat menjadi Top Ten saat itu. Target nya server2 Internet, menyebar lewat Internet. Nimda akan ngebuat backdoor ke OS. jadi penyerang bisa akses ke server dan berbuat apa saja Nimda juga menjadi DDoS.
7.Code Red & Code Red II
Muncul musim panas 2001, nyerang OS Windows 2000 & NT. Virusnya bakal bikin buffer penuh jadi ngabisin memori. Paling seru waktu berhubungan ama White House, semua komputer yang kena virus ini bakalan otomatis akses ke web server di White House barengan, jadi bikin overload, alias serangan DDoS. Akhirnya Microsoft rilis patchnya saat itu.
8.The Klez
Nongol taon 2001, menyebar via email, replikasi trus kirim ke orang2 di address book. Bikin komputer ga bisa beroperasi, bisa berhentiin program antivirus.
Abis “Melissa”, muncul dia dari Filipina, bentuk nya worm, program standalone dapat me-replikasi sendiri. Menyebar via email, judulnya”surat cinta” dari pengagum rahasia . Original file nya LOVE-LETTER- FOR-YOU.TXT. vbs. VBS singkatan Visual Basic Scripting. Penciptanya adalah Onel de Guzman dari Filipina.
Dibikin taon 1999 sama David L Smith, basicnya Microsoft Word macro. Menyebar via email dengan dokumen “Here is that document you asked for, don’t show it to anybodey else.”. Kalau sampe dibuka, virus akan replikasi dan otomatis ngirim ke top 50 di address book email. Smith dipenjara 20 bulan ama denda $5000 dan melarang akses komputer tanpa pengawasan.
Muncul taon 2006, disebut “Storm Worm” karena nyebar via email dengan judul “230 dead as storm batters Europe”. Storm worm adalah program Trojan house. beberapa versinya bisa buat komputer menjadi bots. Atau biasa digunakan hacker untuk spam mail melalui internet.
2. Leap-A/Oompa- A
Mac yang punya konsep security through obscurity yakin tidak akan terserang virus karena OS nya sistem tertutup. Tapi tahun 2006, virus Leap-A atau biasa disebut Oompa-A muncul. Nyebar lewat iChat pada Mac. Setelah Mac terserang, virus itu akan mencari kontak melalui iChat dan kirim pesan ke tiap kontak itu. Pesannya itu berisi file corrupt yang berbentuk JPEG. Memang tidak berbahaya, namun hal ini menyatakan bahwa masih mungkin akan ada virus berbahaya yang menyerang MAC.
3. Sasser and Netsky
Penciptanya anak Jerman umur 17 tahun, Sven Jaschan. Sasser nyerang Microsoft Windows. Sasser ini ga nyebar via email. Tapi jika satu komputer koneksi ke komputer yang kena virus ini. Virus ini bikin komputer tidak bisa di-shutdown tanpa cabut power. Netsky nyebar melalui email dengan 22 Kb attachment file dan jaringan Windows. Bisa bikin serangan DoS. Sven Jaschan tidak dipenjara hanya diberi masa percobaan 1 taon 9 bulan, karena umurnya masih di bawah 18 taon.
4. MyDome (Novarg)
Mulai nyerang tanggal 1 Februari 2004, virus ini buat backdoor di OS. Pertama kali tanggal 1 itu mulai DDoS. Kedua, tanggal 12 Feb, virus ini berhenti menyebar dan mulai buat backdoors. MyDoom menyebar via email, selain itu selalu search di search engines, seperti Google mulai menerima jutaan permintaan pencarian dan bikin lambat sampai akhirnya crash. Gara2 MyDoom, Senator US Chuck Schumer mengajukan pembuatan National Virus Response Center.
5.SQL Slammer/Saphire
Muncul Januari 2003, nyebar cepet lewat internet. Waktu itu bikin layanan ATM Bank Amerika crash, ancurnya layanan 911 Seattle, dan Continental Airlines membatalkan beberapap penerbangan karena eror check in ama tiketing. Bikin rugi lebih dari $1 milliar sebelum dipacthed.
Ini juga tahun 2001, kebalikan dari kata “admiN”. Penyebarannya sangat cepat, menurut TruSecure CTO Peter Tippet, Nimda hanya butuh 22 menit buat menjadi Top Ten saat itu. Target nya server2 Internet, menyebar lewat Internet. Nimda akan ngebuat backdoor ke OS. jadi penyerang bisa akses ke server dan berbuat apa saja Nimda juga menjadi DDoS.
7.Code Red & Code Red II
Muncul musim panas 2001, nyerang OS Windows 2000 & NT. Virusnya bakal bikin buffer penuh jadi ngabisin memori. Paling seru waktu berhubungan ama White House, semua komputer yang kena virus ini bakalan otomatis akses ke web server di White House barengan, jadi bikin overload, alias serangan DDoS. Akhirnya Microsoft rilis patchnya saat itu.
8.The Klez
Nongol taon 2001, menyebar via email, replikasi trus kirim ke orang2 di address book. Bikin komputer ga bisa beroperasi, bisa berhentiin program antivirus.
Abis “Melissa”, muncul dia dari Filipina, bentuk nya worm, program standalone dapat me-replikasi sendiri. Menyebar via email, judulnya”surat cinta” dari pengagum rahasia . Original file nya LOVE-LETTER- FOR-YOU.TXT. vbs. VBS singkatan Visual Basic Scripting. Penciptanya adalah Onel de Guzman dari Filipina.
Dibikin taon 1999 sama David L Smith, basicnya Microsoft Word macro. Menyebar via email dengan dokumen “Here is that document you asked for, don’t show it to anybodey else.”. Kalau sampe dibuka, virus akan replikasi dan otomatis ngirim ke top 50 di address book email. Smith dipenjara 20 bulan ama denda $5000 dan melarang akses komputer tanpa pengawasan.
11 Trik gokil mempromosikan web atau blog
Siapa sih yang tidak ingin Blog maupun Web nya Terkenal dan banyak pengunjungnya?Apa keuntungan yang di dapat dari banyaknya pengunjung dan banjirnya Traffik web maupun di Blog anda?Anda bisa membuat Space dan Banner iklan yang bagi orang awam dan netter pemula akan penasaran dengan Banner yang di buat dan otomatis akan meng-klik iklan dan bisnis Online yang refferalnya ID anda yang ber-omzet Miliaran rupiah perbulan..hehe..So saya bukanlah Master SEO yang dengan skill programmingnya maupun keyword unik (Hot, Bokep , 3GP, Bugil, sexy, dll yang berbau Prostitusi alias mesum biasanya laku) bisa membuat Web maupun Blognya berada di halaman 1 Google.Saya hanyalah Blogger pemula yang mencoba dan belajar.Berikut merupakan Trik Gokil untu mempromosikan Web maupun Blog anda :
1)Uang kertas yang mau kita pakai untuk belanja tuliskan alamat Blog anda.Saran saya sih uang seribu kertas saja karena sering beredar di Masyrakat dari seluruh lapisan.
Misal : ==> Ga akan Nyesal kok buka situs ini..hehe
2)Kamar mandi atau WC umum–kan biasanya banyak banget tuh coretannya–sekalian aja ikutan coretin pakai nama blog kita. Misal :
3)Bagi anda yang jago Nyanyi asal tidak Fales nyanyilah dengan sekencang-kencangnya dan di akhiri dengan kata Kunjungi Blog saya y..
4)Cantumin di Blog anda nama tokoh yang bergelut di dunia IT.katakan bahwa anda adalah muridnya.Misal : Blog ini sudah mendapat Lisensi dari Bill Gates untuk terus membantu mencerdaskan kehidupan Bangsa..hehe..
5)Tato tubuh dengan tulisan alamat Url blog anda. terus pergi main bola atau futsal tanpa baju..Mau..mau..mau??
6)Kirimkan SMS sebanyak-banyaknya(Manfaatkan Bonus SMS dan Gratis SMS) dan Balas SMS teman anda. "Maaf y saya sedang sibuk nih buat Blog dan Blogwalking...Hubungi saya di Kolom Komentar kalau tidak di Shoutmix (Buku Tamu)..Thanx y..(Tunggu reaksinya dan blzan smsnya....psti ketawa deh..saya sudah mempraktekkan Trik ini.
7)Mungkin ini Extreme dan tidak di anjurkan..Saat ke warnet tulislah di dinding, maupun di Monitor komputer menggunakan Spidol tinta permanen alamat Blog anda.
8)Tempelkan Brosur maupun Sticker di Mading sekolah atau Mading Kampus.Jika memang Berniat jangan Lupa tempelkan juga di Tiang Listrik dan ATM..hehe..
9)Di acara radio On Air-in alamat Blog kamu.Sudah ga jaman On air No Telp, FS ,dan YM.
10)Buat pesan panggilan tidak terjawab. "Maaf y saya lagi posting artikel terbaru nih hubungi saya di Shoutmix
11)Jika ada yang Demonstrasi menuntut Haknya...Anda ikutan saja nimbrung Demo dan bawa Poster dan spanduk anda yang bertuliskan Alamat Blog anda. (Resiko di tanggung sendiri Devit ga ikut-ikutan)
Sebenarnya masih banyak ide gila saya mempromosikan Blog tapi karena saya mengidolakan angka 11 makanya Trik Gokilnya ada 11...hehe..^_^
So Hidup jangan terlalu serius Enjoy aja...
1)Uang kertas yang mau kita pakai untuk belanja tuliskan alamat Blog anda.Saran saya sih uang seribu kertas saja karena sering beredar di Masyrakat dari seluruh lapisan.
Misal : ==> Ga akan Nyesal kok buka situs ini..hehe
2)Kamar mandi atau WC umum–kan biasanya banyak banget tuh coretannya–sekalian aja ikutan coretin pakai nama blog kita. Misal :
3)Bagi anda yang jago Nyanyi asal tidak Fales nyanyilah dengan sekencang-kencangnya dan di akhiri dengan kata Kunjungi Blog saya y..
4)Cantumin di Blog anda nama tokoh yang bergelut di dunia IT.katakan bahwa anda adalah muridnya.Misal : Blog ini sudah mendapat Lisensi dari Bill Gates untuk terus membantu mencerdaskan kehidupan Bangsa..hehe..
5)Tato tubuh dengan tulisan alamat Url blog anda. terus pergi main bola atau futsal tanpa baju..Mau..mau..mau??
6)Kirimkan SMS sebanyak-banyaknya(Manfaatkan Bonus SMS dan Gratis SMS) dan Balas SMS teman anda. "Maaf y saya sedang sibuk nih buat Blog dan Blogwalking...Hubungi saya di Kolom Komentar kalau tidak di Shoutmix (Buku Tamu)..Thanx y..(Tunggu reaksinya dan blzan smsnya....psti ketawa deh..saya sudah mempraktekkan Trik ini.
7)Mungkin ini Extreme dan tidak di anjurkan..Saat ke warnet tulislah di dinding, maupun di Monitor komputer menggunakan Spidol tinta permanen alamat Blog anda.
8)Tempelkan Brosur maupun Sticker di Mading sekolah atau Mading Kampus.Jika memang Berniat jangan Lupa tempelkan juga di Tiang Listrik dan ATM..hehe..
9)Di acara radio On Air-in alamat Blog kamu.Sudah ga jaman On air No Telp, FS ,dan YM.
10)Buat pesan panggilan tidak terjawab. "Maaf y saya lagi posting artikel terbaru nih hubungi saya di Shoutmix
11)Jika ada yang Demonstrasi menuntut Haknya...Anda ikutan saja nimbrung Demo dan bawa Poster dan spanduk anda yang bertuliskan Alamat Blog anda. (Resiko di tanggung sendiri Devit ga ikut-ikutan)
Sebenarnya masih banyak ide gila saya mempromosikan Blog tapi karena saya mengidolakan angka 11 makanya Trik Gokilnya ada 11...hehe..^_^
So Hidup jangan terlalu serius Enjoy aja...
Chatting Video Online
Chatting Video Online (Online Video Chatting) bukanlah hal baru bagi sebagian user di internet. Dengan sebuah komputer, a high-speed broadband connection dan web camera (webcam), maka anda bisa dengan mudah terhubung dengan teman-teman diseluruh dunia dengan layanan ini. Jika rekan anda adalah orang yang suka melakukan video chatting seperti di media Yahoo dll atau membutuhkan layanan video chat untuk tujuan kerja, maka rekan butuh program chat yang bernama ooVoo.
Tidak seperti umumnya layanan video chat applikasi yang hanya mampu menyediakan layanan video chat satu-satu (one-to-one), video chat ooVoo dapat menciptakan video chat confrence, sehingga anda mampu chatting ria lewat video beramai-ramai, maksimum 6 orang secara bersamaan. (maksimum 3 orang untuk paket gratis/standard, dan 6 orang untuk paket premium/bayar). Dengan kata lain, rekan dapat melihat lebih dari 3 orang sekaligus dalam video chat, yaitu video keluarga, teman, kolega dstnya dengan kualitas video yang mengagumkan sehingga tampak seperti bertemu langsung bertatap muka.
Kemampuan multi-users yang dihadirkan ooVoo membuat aktifitas video chatting sangat menyenangkan dan menarik. Mungkin menampilkan 6 video secara langsung akan mempengaruhi kualitas gambarnya, namun setelah melakukan test yang dilakukan dan feedback dari para user, maka pembenahan telah di lakukan ooVoo sehingga kualitas video menjadi tampak lebih oke lagi dan streaming video menjadi sangat halus.
Ini screenshot dari video chatting ooVoo:
Screenshot Video Chatting Online ooVoo
Keren kan? Itulah teknologi video chatting online ooVoo.
Dengan fitur chatting video multi-user ini, penggunanya dapat menggunakan ooVoo untuk menciptakan pesan video dan mengirimkannya kepada yang lain. User juga dapat menciptkan video chat room via ooVoo. Bahkan room chat tersebut dapat dengan mudah di masukan kedalam blog atau website. Dan jika rekan menggunakan paket premium, maka rekan dapat melakukan panggilan telfon via mobile atau landline phones. Dan ini adalah fitur-fitur yang akan di temui di ooVoo dalam bahasa Ingris:
* Video Call See, hear and speak with up to 6 people
* Web Video Call Friends who don’t have ooVoo can video call you from their Web browser.
* Video Chat Room A simple way to embed a video chat in any website, blog or social network.
* High Resolution Video Make video calls in amazing clarity.
* Video Call Recording Create and share instant memories.
* Video Messages Send a video greeting to multiple people at once.
* Video Effects Get creative! Customize your video calls and messages.
* Phone Calls Call a mobile or landline.
* Text Chat Text with up to 6 friends at once.
* Send Large Files Big attachment? Send files up to 25 MB each.
* Sidebar View Change the size of a video call window.
* Search for Friends Find people you know or find new friends on ooVoo.
* Call Me Button Bring your blog or MySpace page to life with an ooVoo link.
* Set Privacy Controls Control who can see or contact you.
Layanan internet seperti ooVoo menghasilkan koneksitas global lebih baik dan lebih bersaing dan juga marketplace global yang lebih efisien. OoVoo membantu komunikasi dan jaringan koneksi. Seperti namanya, ooVoo adalah tool yang menakjubkan!
kisah para penipu di internet
Ini adalah kisah yang sungguh-sungguh terjadi di Jordania. Seorang lelaki, berchating dengan seorag gadis yang sudah ngebet mendapatkan suami. Keduanya berchating ria mencari kesesuaian. Dari hasil chating, keduanya ternyata menemukan kecocokan untuk menjalin api yang panas. Apalagi sang lelaki mengaku sebentar lagi akan bercerai-berai
dengan istinya. Lalu keduanya sepakat ketemu di suatu tempat, dengan ciri-ciri pakaian dll, seperti yang disepakati di chating. Ketika keduanya ketemu, sang lelaki malah ngamuk-ngamuk, dan sang wanita mencakmencak. Kenapa? Karena keduanya sudah lama saling kenal. Bukan itu saja, sang lelaki ternyata adalah suami si “gadis”, dan si gadis, tentu saja, istrinya si lelaki. Itu adalah sebagian kisah yang sempat terekam media massa. Banyak lagi kisah lain yang
tidak tercatat. Bagi anda yang sudah lama malang-melintang di dunia internet pasti sudah sering menerima email yang bermacam-macam isinya, seperti menang lotre, dapat warisan, lowongan kerja, kartu kredit dll.
Berikut adalah beberapa “subject” peniupan yang sering beredar di internet:
- Menang lotre
- Dapat warisan
- Kartu Kredit
- Lowongan kerja
- Mesin pembuat uang
- File Finder (247, FMD)
Modus-modus penipuan di atas juga beragam. Email yang mengabarkan anda menang lotre biasanya datang dari negri kincir angin, Belanda. Walaupun anda belum pernah beli 4D ala singapura atau Lotto atau sejenisnya, tiba-tiba anda dikirimi email yang menyuruh anda untuk mengklaim hadiah tsb. Nominal hadiahnya gak tanggung-tangung, bisa jutaan dollar. Begitu juga personal email yang dikirim kepada anda, mengabarkan bahwa anda bisa dapat warisan jutaan dolar, kalau mau mengaku sebagai kerabat dari orang terkenal yang sudah wafat di daerah konflik, seperti negara-negara Afrika, menjanjikan imbalan sampai 50 persen. Malah sekarang bukan hanya para penipu dari Afrika yang mencatut namanama orang terkenal untuk menipu. Suha Arafat juga pernah kirim email ke saya, menceritakan “penderitaannya” di bawah tekanan Palestina, dan minta tolong saya membebaskan dirinya, dan jutaan dolar uangnya. Imbalannya, nanti saya dapat komisi yang tidak habis dimakan 70 turunan. Selain dari “Suha Arafat” saya sendiri pernah beberapa kali “mengerjai” para penipu kreatif semacam itu. Beberapa kali saya dapat email dari sebuah negri di Afrika, yangsecara mengharukan menceritakan bahwa keluarganya tewas dibantai musuh, atau tewas kecelakaan pesawat terbang. Sang penipu bilang bahwa dia perlu bantuan “ahli waris” orang asing untuk mencairkan kekayaan yang dimiliki si orang top tsb. Di email balasan saya pura-pura tertarik membantu dan mencantumkan alamat saya yang diminta, lengkap dengan no. HP saya. Benar-benar penipu nekat. Ternyata dia langsung menelpon saya dari negri yang jauhnya ribuan kilometer itu. Saya pun dengan senang hati bertanya-jawab dg makhluk hitam itu. Sampai lama. Entah berapa ratus dolar dia habiskan guna menelepon saya. Saya sengaja melama-lamain conversation, kan tujuan saya “ngerjain” si penipu itu. Biar bengkak tagihan teleponnya. Inti pembicaraan di telpon, dia minta secepat-cepatnya datang ke negrinya guna mengambil hak saya. Tentu saja, jarak yang jauh dan waktu, tak memungkinkan saya datang. Lalu dia tawarkan agar saya menghubungi notaris di negaranya sana, diberi kuasa mencairkan warisan saya. Saya setuju, tapi saya minta waktu 2-3 minggu. Mr. Columbus, demikian si penipu mengaku, keberatan karena terlalu lama. “Well, no option,” kata saya membela. Dia mafhum dan wanti-wanti (alert me) untuk tidak memberi tahu orang lain
tentang deal-deal kami. Ajaib, 3 minggu kemudian ternyata tawarannya masih berlaku, walaupun dia bilang buruburu.
Tapi dengan berbagai exuze, alasan, saya mengatakan duit belum terkumpul. Akhirnya tuntutannya mengendor. Dia minta berapa saja uang yang saya punya segera dikirimkan. Urgent, katanya. Mungkin sudah terlanjur habis ratusan dolar. Itung-itung balik modal, pikirnya. Saya pun setuju, akhirnya saya kirimi dia uang 5 dolar bergambar
Osama bin Laden. Supaya cepat saya kirim lewat email. Belum terdengar lagi kabar Mr. Columbus tsb, sampai sekarang, entah masih hidup atau kena serangan jantung. Jangan percaya juga kalau anda mendapat email yang menawarkan kartu kredit. Melalui emailnya yang meyakinkan, dia mengatakan bahwa kartu kredit yang dia jual bisa
menarik uang tunai sejuta sehari dari ATM bank tertentu. Harganya pun sangat murah, antara 250 ribu sampai 1juta. Dengan alasan keamanan, supaya pihak bank tidak bisa melacak kartu kreditnya, dia menyebar luaskan kartu itu dengan cara menjualnya. Jangan percaya itu sebab, sampai sekarang belum ada teknologi yang bisa menjiplak
kartu kredit seseorang lengkap dengan chip dan passwordnya. Apalagi kalau yang menjual menggunakan mediasi internet. 200 persen jangan percaya. Kalau anda sudah lama menganggur, dan sudah melamar ke sana ke mari, tapi belum menampakkan hasil, coba cari lowongan di internet. Banyak sekali lowongan yang ditawarkan di internet. Tapi ingat, seperti juga di dunia nyata, di internet juga beredar calo-calo pencari mangsa. Mereka menawarkan kerja fantastis bergaji ribuan dollar. Tentu saja dengan syarat, anda harus mengirimkan sekedar “uang kopi” yang lumayan
jumlahnya.Ada juga penipuan yang sebenarnya bukan penipuan, seperti program “sharing file” antar computer. Program ini dipelopori oleh 247 dan FMD. Situs ini menawarkan suatu aplikasi bernama File Finder, di mana dengan aplikasi ini kita bisa mendownload / mengcopy ribuan, bahkn jutaan file, misal file movie (film), MP3 (music) dan programprogram yang sulit didapat di pasaran. Tentu saja untuk mendapatkan aplikasi file finder,
anda harus membayar, lewat kartu kredit, tentunya. Tapi begitu anda telah membayar, dan menginstal file finder, anda tak akan menemukan satu judul filem pun! Absudrdnya, si pembuat file menyediakan trouble shooting yang
sangat panjang lebar. Tapi ujung-ujungnya, anda tetap tak bisa memakai File Finder tsb. Kenapa? Karena program ini cara kerjanya sama saja “mencuri” file orang lain. Pertama dia mengendus (sniffing), lalu harus mengenal IP address orang, dan menyetujui sang pemilik IP mengijinkan filenya disharing. Mau curi file, tapi minta ijin dulu, biar gak dituntut. Itulah amerika. Pokoknya very-very complicated dah! Coba, ada nggak yang mau bagi-bagi file di sini?
Program semacam ini sepintas bukan penipuan, tapi setelah kita masuk, kita makin terjebak dalam jurang tak berdasar. Begitulah modus operandi para penipu di internet, yang menawarkan warisan, menang lotre, dll. Mereka tak putus asa mengirim email bahkan menelepon, supaya terlihat meyakinkan. Tapi ciri-cirinya jelas, ujung-ujungnya minta dana agar kita bayar notaris fiktif.
Untuk memastikan bahwa suatu produk di internet bukan penipuan, pastikan situs itu mempunyai alamat yang jelas di dunia nyata, bukan cuma di www. Pastikan pula ada nomor telp yang bisa dihubungi. Kalau perlu selidiki dulu kepastian usahanya. Ingat, Internet adalah makhluk liar yang lahir dari ilusi-ilusi otak manusia. Dia bermutasi dan berkembang biak sesukanya, ke mana dia mau, dan tak ada yang sanggup mengendalikan atau mengontrol, sekalipun FBI atau CIA.
(Semoga setelah membaca kisah ini Anda bisa lebih berhati-hati dan tidak menjadi korban penipuan di Internet.)
sumber: joko. S
dengan istinya. Lalu keduanya sepakat ketemu di suatu tempat, dengan ciri-ciri pakaian dll, seperti yang disepakati di chating. Ketika keduanya ketemu, sang lelaki malah ngamuk-ngamuk, dan sang wanita mencakmencak. Kenapa? Karena keduanya sudah lama saling kenal. Bukan itu saja, sang lelaki ternyata adalah suami si “gadis”, dan si gadis, tentu saja, istrinya si lelaki. Itu adalah sebagian kisah yang sempat terekam media massa. Banyak lagi kisah lain yang
tidak tercatat. Bagi anda yang sudah lama malang-melintang di dunia internet pasti sudah sering menerima email yang bermacam-macam isinya, seperti menang lotre, dapat warisan, lowongan kerja, kartu kredit dll.
Berikut adalah beberapa “subject” peniupan yang sering beredar di internet:
- Menang lotre
- Dapat warisan
- Kartu Kredit
- Lowongan kerja
- Mesin pembuat uang
- File Finder (247, FMD)
Modus-modus penipuan di atas juga beragam. Email yang mengabarkan anda menang lotre biasanya datang dari negri kincir angin, Belanda. Walaupun anda belum pernah beli 4D ala singapura atau Lotto atau sejenisnya, tiba-tiba anda dikirimi email yang menyuruh anda untuk mengklaim hadiah tsb. Nominal hadiahnya gak tanggung-tangung, bisa jutaan dollar. Begitu juga personal email yang dikirim kepada anda, mengabarkan bahwa anda bisa dapat warisan jutaan dolar, kalau mau mengaku sebagai kerabat dari orang terkenal yang sudah wafat di daerah konflik, seperti negara-negara Afrika, menjanjikan imbalan sampai 50 persen. Malah sekarang bukan hanya para penipu dari Afrika yang mencatut namanama orang terkenal untuk menipu. Suha Arafat juga pernah kirim email ke saya, menceritakan “penderitaannya” di bawah tekanan Palestina, dan minta tolong saya membebaskan dirinya, dan jutaan dolar uangnya. Imbalannya, nanti saya dapat komisi yang tidak habis dimakan 70 turunan. Selain dari “Suha Arafat” saya sendiri pernah beberapa kali “mengerjai” para penipu kreatif semacam itu. Beberapa kali saya dapat email dari sebuah negri di Afrika, yangsecara mengharukan menceritakan bahwa keluarganya tewas dibantai musuh, atau tewas kecelakaan pesawat terbang. Sang penipu bilang bahwa dia perlu bantuan “ahli waris” orang asing untuk mencairkan kekayaan yang dimiliki si orang top tsb. Di email balasan saya pura-pura tertarik membantu dan mencantumkan alamat saya yang diminta, lengkap dengan no. HP saya. Benar-benar penipu nekat. Ternyata dia langsung menelpon saya dari negri yang jauhnya ribuan kilometer itu. Saya pun dengan senang hati bertanya-jawab dg makhluk hitam itu. Sampai lama. Entah berapa ratus dolar dia habiskan guna menelepon saya. Saya sengaja melama-lamain conversation, kan tujuan saya “ngerjain” si penipu itu. Biar bengkak tagihan teleponnya. Inti pembicaraan di telpon, dia minta secepat-cepatnya datang ke negrinya guna mengambil hak saya. Tentu saja, jarak yang jauh dan waktu, tak memungkinkan saya datang. Lalu dia tawarkan agar saya menghubungi notaris di negaranya sana, diberi kuasa mencairkan warisan saya. Saya setuju, tapi saya minta waktu 2-3 minggu. Mr. Columbus, demikian si penipu mengaku, keberatan karena terlalu lama. “Well, no option,” kata saya membela. Dia mafhum dan wanti-wanti (alert me) untuk tidak memberi tahu orang lain
tentang deal-deal kami. Ajaib, 3 minggu kemudian ternyata tawarannya masih berlaku, walaupun dia bilang buruburu.
Tapi dengan berbagai exuze, alasan, saya mengatakan duit belum terkumpul. Akhirnya tuntutannya mengendor. Dia minta berapa saja uang yang saya punya segera dikirimkan. Urgent, katanya. Mungkin sudah terlanjur habis ratusan dolar. Itung-itung balik modal, pikirnya. Saya pun setuju, akhirnya saya kirimi dia uang 5 dolar bergambar
Osama bin Laden. Supaya cepat saya kirim lewat email. Belum terdengar lagi kabar Mr. Columbus tsb, sampai sekarang, entah masih hidup atau kena serangan jantung. Jangan percaya juga kalau anda mendapat email yang menawarkan kartu kredit. Melalui emailnya yang meyakinkan, dia mengatakan bahwa kartu kredit yang dia jual bisa
menarik uang tunai sejuta sehari dari ATM bank tertentu. Harganya pun sangat murah, antara 250 ribu sampai 1juta. Dengan alasan keamanan, supaya pihak bank tidak bisa melacak kartu kreditnya, dia menyebar luaskan kartu itu dengan cara menjualnya. Jangan percaya itu sebab, sampai sekarang belum ada teknologi yang bisa menjiplak
kartu kredit seseorang lengkap dengan chip dan passwordnya. Apalagi kalau yang menjual menggunakan mediasi internet. 200 persen jangan percaya. Kalau anda sudah lama menganggur, dan sudah melamar ke sana ke mari, tapi belum menampakkan hasil, coba cari lowongan di internet. Banyak sekali lowongan yang ditawarkan di internet. Tapi ingat, seperti juga di dunia nyata, di internet juga beredar calo-calo pencari mangsa. Mereka menawarkan kerja fantastis bergaji ribuan dollar. Tentu saja dengan syarat, anda harus mengirimkan sekedar “uang kopi” yang lumayan
jumlahnya.Ada juga penipuan yang sebenarnya bukan penipuan, seperti program “sharing file” antar computer. Program ini dipelopori oleh 247 dan FMD. Situs ini menawarkan suatu aplikasi bernama File Finder, di mana dengan aplikasi ini kita bisa mendownload / mengcopy ribuan, bahkn jutaan file, misal file movie (film), MP3 (music) dan programprogram yang sulit didapat di pasaran. Tentu saja untuk mendapatkan aplikasi file finder,
anda harus membayar, lewat kartu kredit, tentunya. Tapi begitu anda telah membayar, dan menginstal file finder, anda tak akan menemukan satu judul filem pun! Absudrdnya, si pembuat file menyediakan trouble shooting yang
sangat panjang lebar. Tapi ujung-ujungnya, anda tetap tak bisa memakai File Finder tsb. Kenapa? Karena program ini cara kerjanya sama saja “mencuri” file orang lain. Pertama dia mengendus (sniffing), lalu harus mengenal IP address orang, dan menyetujui sang pemilik IP mengijinkan filenya disharing. Mau curi file, tapi minta ijin dulu, biar gak dituntut. Itulah amerika. Pokoknya very-very complicated dah! Coba, ada nggak yang mau bagi-bagi file di sini?
Program semacam ini sepintas bukan penipuan, tapi setelah kita masuk, kita makin terjebak dalam jurang tak berdasar. Begitulah modus operandi para penipu di internet, yang menawarkan warisan, menang lotre, dll. Mereka tak putus asa mengirim email bahkan menelepon, supaya terlihat meyakinkan. Tapi ciri-cirinya jelas, ujung-ujungnya minta dana agar kita bayar notaris fiktif.
Untuk memastikan bahwa suatu produk di internet bukan penipuan, pastikan situs itu mempunyai alamat yang jelas di dunia nyata, bukan cuma di www. Pastikan pula ada nomor telp yang bisa dihubungi. Kalau perlu selidiki dulu kepastian usahanya. Ingat, Internet adalah makhluk liar yang lahir dari ilusi-ilusi otak manusia. Dia bermutasi dan berkembang biak sesukanya, ke mana dia mau, dan tak ada yang sanggup mengendalikan atau mengontrol, sekalipun FBI atau CIA.
(Semoga setelah membaca kisah ini Anda bisa lebih berhati-hati dan tidak menjadi korban penipuan di Internet.)
sumber: joko. S
kisah para penipu di internet
Ini adalah kisah yang sungguh-sungguh terjadi di Jordania. Seorang lelaki, berchating dengan seorag gadis yang sudah ngebet mendapatkan suami. Keduanya berchating ria mencari kesesuaian. Dari hasil chating, keduanya ternyata menemukan kecocokan untuk menjalin api yang panas. Apalagi sang lelaki mengaku sebentar lagi akan bercerai-berai
dengan istinya. Lalu keduanya sepakat ketemu di suatu tempat, dengan ciri-ciri pakaian dll, seperti yang disepakati di chating. Ketika keduanya ketemu, sang lelaki malah ngamuk-ngamuk, dan sang wanita mencakmencak. Kenapa? Karena keduanya sudah lama saling kenal. Bukan itu saja, sang lelaki ternyata adalah suami si “gadis”, dan si gadis, tentu saja, istrinya si lelaki. Itu adalah sebagian kisah yang sempat terekam media massa. Banyak lagi kisah lain yang
tidak tercatat. Bagi anda yang sudah lama malang-melintang di dunia internet pasti sudah sering menerima email yang bermacam-macam isinya, seperti menang lotre, dapat warisan, lowongan kerja, kartu kredit dll.
Berikut adalah beberapa “subject” peniupan yang sering beredar di internet:
- Menang lotre
- Dapat warisan
- Kartu Kredit
- Lowongan kerja
- Mesin pembuat uang
- File Finder (247, FMD)
Modus-modus penipuan di atas juga beragam. Email yang mengabarkan anda menang lotre biasanya datang dari negri kincir angin, Belanda. Walaupun anda belum pernah beli 4D ala singapura atau Lotto atau sejenisnya, tiba-tiba anda dikirimi email yang menyuruh anda untuk mengklaim hadiah tsb. Nominal hadiahnya gak tanggung-tangung, bisa jutaan dollar. Begitu juga personal email yang dikirim kepada anda, mengabarkan bahwa anda bisa dapat warisan jutaan dolar, kalau mau mengaku sebagai kerabat dari orang terkenal yang sudah wafat di daerah konflik, seperti negara-negara Afrika, menjanjikan imbalan sampai 50 persen. Malah sekarang bukan hanya para penipu dari Afrika yang mencatut namanama orang terkenal untuk menipu. Suha Arafat juga pernah kirim email ke saya, menceritakan “penderitaannya” di bawah tekanan Palestina, dan minta tolong saya membebaskan dirinya, dan jutaan dolar uangnya. Imbalannya, nanti saya dapat komisi yang tidak habis dimakan 70 turunan. Selain dari “Suha Arafat” saya sendiri pernah beberapa kali “mengerjai” para penipu kreatif semacam itu. Beberapa kali saya dapat email dari sebuah negri di Afrika, yangsecara mengharukan menceritakan bahwa keluarganya tewas dibantai musuh, atau tewas kecelakaan pesawat terbang. Sang penipu bilang bahwa dia perlu bantuan “ahli waris” orang asing untuk mencairkan kekayaan yang dimiliki si orang top tsb. Di email balasan saya pura-pura tertarik membantu dan mencantumkan alamat saya yang diminta, lengkap dengan no. HP saya. Benar-benar penipu nekat. Ternyata dia langsung menelpon saya dari negri yang jauhnya ribuan kilometer itu. Saya pun dengan senang hati bertanya-jawab dg makhluk hitam itu. Sampai lama. Entah berapa ratus dolar dia habiskan guna menelepon saya. Saya sengaja melama-lamain conversation, kan tujuan saya “ngerjain” si penipu itu. Biar bengkak tagihan teleponnya. Inti pembicaraan di telpon, dia minta secepat-cepatnya datang ke negrinya guna mengambil hak saya. Tentu saja, jarak yang jauh dan waktu, tak memungkinkan saya datang. Lalu dia tawarkan agar saya menghubungi notaris di negaranya sana, diberi kuasa mencairkan warisan saya. Saya setuju, tapi saya minta waktu 2-3 minggu. Mr. Columbus, demikian si penipu mengaku, keberatan karena terlalu lama. “Well, no option,” kata saya membela. Dia mafhum dan wanti-wanti (alert me) untuk tidak memberi tahu orang lain
tentang deal-deal kami. Ajaib, 3 minggu kemudian ternyata tawarannya masih berlaku, walaupun dia bilang buruburu.
Tapi dengan berbagai exuze, alasan, saya mengatakan duit belum terkumpul. Akhirnya tuntutannya mengendor. Dia minta berapa saja uang yang saya punya segera dikirimkan. Urgent, katanya. Mungkin sudah terlanjur habis ratusan dolar. Itung-itung balik modal, pikirnya. Saya pun setuju, akhirnya saya kirimi dia uang 5 dolar bergambar
Osama bin Laden. Supaya cepat saya kirim lewat email. Belum terdengar lagi kabar Mr. Columbus tsb, sampai sekarang, entah masih hidup atau kena serangan jantung. Jangan percaya juga kalau anda mendapat email yang menawarkan kartu kredit. Melalui emailnya yang meyakinkan, dia mengatakan bahwa kartu kredit yang dia jual bisa
menarik uang tunai sejuta sehari dari ATM bank tertentu. Harganya pun sangat murah, antara 250 ribu sampai 1juta. Dengan alasan keamanan, supaya pihak bank tidak bisa melacak kartu kreditnya, dia menyebar luaskan kartu itu dengan cara menjualnya. Jangan percaya itu sebab, sampai sekarang belum ada teknologi yang bisa menjiplak
kartu kredit seseorang lengkap dengan chip dan passwordnya. Apalagi kalau yang menjual menggunakan mediasi internet. 200 persen jangan percaya. Kalau anda sudah lama menganggur, dan sudah melamar ke sana ke mari, tapi belum menampakkan hasil, coba cari lowongan di internet. Banyak sekali lowongan yang ditawarkan di internet. Tapi ingat, seperti juga di dunia nyata, di internet juga beredar calo-calo pencari mangsa. Mereka menawarkan kerja fantastis bergaji ribuan dollar. Tentu saja dengan syarat, anda harus mengirimkan sekedar “uang kopi” yang lumayan
jumlahnya.Ada juga penipuan yang sebenarnya bukan penipuan, seperti program “sharing file” antar computer. Program ini dipelopori oleh 247 dan FMD. Situs ini menawarkan suatu aplikasi bernama File Finder, di mana dengan aplikasi ini kita bisa mendownload / mengcopy ribuan, bahkn jutaan file, misal file movie (film), MP3 (music) dan programprogram yang sulit didapat di pasaran. Tentu saja untuk mendapatkan aplikasi file finder,
anda harus membayar, lewat kartu kredit, tentunya. Tapi begitu anda telah membayar, dan menginstal file finder, anda tak akan menemukan satu judul filem pun! Absudrdnya, si pembuat file menyediakan trouble shooting yang
sangat panjang lebar. Tapi ujung-ujungnya, anda tetap tak bisa memakai File Finder tsb. Kenapa? Karena program ini cara kerjanya sama saja “mencuri” file orang lain. Pertama dia mengendus (sniffing), lalu harus mengenal IP address orang, dan menyetujui sang pemilik IP mengijinkan filenya disharing. Mau curi file, tapi minta ijin dulu, biar gak dituntut. Itulah amerika. Pokoknya very-very complicated dah! Coba, ada nggak yang mau bagi-bagi file di sini?
Program semacam ini sepintas bukan penipuan, tapi setelah kita masuk, kita makin terjebak dalam jurang tak berdasar. Begitulah modus operandi para penipu di internet, yang menawarkan warisan, menang lotre, dll. Mereka tak putus asa mengirim email bahkan menelepon, supaya terlihat meyakinkan. Tapi ciri-cirinya jelas, ujung-ujungnya minta dana agar kita bayar notaris fiktif.
Untuk memastikan bahwa suatu produk di internet bukan penipuan, pastikan situs itu mempunyai alamat yang jelas di dunia nyata, bukan cuma di www. Pastikan pula ada nomor telp yang bisa dihubungi. Kalau perlu selidiki dulu kepastian usahanya. Ingat, Internet adalah makhluk liar yang lahir dari ilusi-ilusi otak manusia. Dia bermutasi dan berkembang biak sesukanya, ke mana dia mau, dan tak ada yang sanggup mengendalikan atau mengontrol, sekalipun FBI atau CIA.
(Semoga setelah membaca kisah ini Anda bisa lebih berhati-hati dan tidak menjadi korban penipuan di Internet.)
sumber: joko. S
dengan istinya. Lalu keduanya sepakat ketemu di suatu tempat, dengan ciri-ciri pakaian dll, seperti yang disepakati di chating. Ketika keduanya ketemu, sang lelaki malah ngamuk-ngamuk, dan sang wanita mencakmencak. Kenapa? Karena keduanya sudah lama saling kenal. Bukan itu saja, sang lelaki ternyata adalah suami si “gadis”, dan si gadis, tentu saja, istrinya si lelaki. Itu adalah sebagian kisah yang sempat terekam media massa. Banyak lagi kisah lain yang
tidak tercatat. Bagi anda yang sudah lama malang-melintang di dunia internet pasti sudah sering menerima email yang bermacam-macam isinya, seperti menang lotre, dapat warisan, lowongan kerja, kartu kredit dll.
Berikut adalah beberapa “subject” peniupan yang sering beredar di internet:
- Menang lotre
- Dapat warisan
- Kartu Kredit
- Lowongan kerja
- Mesin pembuat uang
- File Finder (247, FMD)
Modus-modus penipuan di atas juga beragam. Email yang mengabarkan anda menang lotre biasanya datang dari negri kincir angin, Belanda. Walaupun anda belum pernah beli 4D ala singapura atau Lotto atau sejenisnya, tiba-tiba anda dikirimi email yang menyuruh anda untuk mengklaim hadiah tsb. Nominal hadiahnya gak tanggung-tangung, bisa jutaan dollar. Begitu juga personal email yang dikirim kepada anda, mengabarkan bahwa anda bisa dapat warisan jutaan dolar, kalau mau mengaku sebagai kerabat dari orang terkenal yang sudah wafat di daerah konflik, seperti negara-negara Afrika, menjanjikan imbalan sampai 50 persen. Malah sekarang bukan hanya para penipu dari Afrika yang mencatut namanama orang terkenal untuk menipu. Suha Arafat juga pernah kirim email ke saya, menceritakan “penderitaannya” di bawah tekanan Palestina, dan minta tolong saya membebaskan dirinya, dan jutaan dolar uangnya. Imbalannya, nanti saya dapat komisi yang tidak habis dimakan 70 turunan. Selain dari “Suha Arafat” saya sendiri pernah beberapa kali “mengerjai” para penipu kreatif semacam itu. Beberapa kali saya dapat email dari sebuah negri di Afrika, yangsecara mengharukan menceritakan bahwa keluarganya tewas dibantai musuh, atau tewas kecelakaan pesawat terbang. Sang penipu bilang bahwa dia perlu bantuan “ahli waris” orang asing untuk mencairkan kekayaan yang dimiliki si orang top tsb. Di email balasan saya pura-pura tertarik membantu dan mencantumkan alamat saya yang diminta, lengkap dengan no. HP saya. Benar-benar penipu nekat. Ternyata dia langsung menelpon saya dari negri yang jauhnya ribuan kilometer itu. Saya pun dengan senang hati bertanya-jawab dg makhluk hitam itu. Sampai lama. Entah berapa ratus dolar dia habiskan guna menelepon saya. Saya sengaja melama-lamain conversation, kan tujuan saya “ngerjain” si penipu itu. Biar bengkak tagihan teleponnya. Inti pembicaraan di telpon, dia minta secepat-cepatnya datang ke negrinya guna mengambil hak saya. Tentu saja, jarak yang jauh dan waktu, tak memungkinkan saya datang. Lalu dia tawarkan agar saya menghubungi notaris di negaranya sana, diberi kuasa mencairkan warisan saya. Saya setuju, tapi saya minta waktu 2-3 minggu. Mr. Columbus, demikian si penipu mengaku, keberatan karena terlalu lama. “Well, no option,” kata saya membela. Dia mafhum dan wanti-wanti (alert me) untuk tidak memberi tahu orang lain
tentang deal-deal kami. Ajaib, 3 minggu kemudian ternyata tawarannya masih berlaku, walaupun dia bilang buruburu.
Tapi dengan berbagai exuze, alasan, saya mengatakan duit belum terkumpul. Akhirnya tuntutannya mengendor. Dia minta berapa saja uang yang saya punya segera dikirimkan. Urgent, katanya. Mungkin sudah terlanjur habis ratusan dolar. Itung-itung balik modal, pikirnya. Saya pun setuju, akhirnya saya kirimi dia uang 5 dolar bergambar
Osama bin Laden. Supaya cepat saya kirim lewat email. Belum terdengar lagi kabar Mr. Columbus tsb, sampai sekarang, entah masih hidup atau kena serangan jantung. Jangan percaya juga kalau anda mendapat email yang menawarkan kartu kredit. Melalui emailnya yang meyakinkan, dia mengatakan bahwa kartu kredit yang dia jual bisa
menarik uang tunai sejuta sehari dari ATM bank tertentu. Harganya pun sangat murah, antara 250 ribu sampai 1juta. Dengan alasan keamanan, supaya pihak bank tidak bisa melacak kartu kreditnya, dia menyebar luaskan kartu itu dengan cara menjualnya. Jangan percaya itu sebab, sampai sekarang belum ada teknologi yang bisa menjiplak
kartu kredit seseorang lengkap dengan chip dan passwordnya. Apalagi kalau yang menjual menggunakan mediasi internet. 200 persen jangan percaya. Kalau anda sudah lama menganggur, dan sudah melamar ke sana ke mari, tapi belum menampakkan hasil, coba cari lowongan di internet. Banyak sekali lowongan yang ditawarkan di internet. Tapi ingat, seperti juga di dunia nyata, di internet juga beredar calo-calo pencari mangsa. Mereka menawarkan kerja fantastis bergaji ribuan dollar. Tentu saja dengan syarat, anda harus mengirimkan sekedar “uang kopi” yang lumayan
jumlahnya.Ada juga penipuan yang sebenarnya bukan penipuan, seperti program “sharing file” antar computer. Program ini dipelopori oleh 247 dan FMD. Situs ini menawarkan suatu aplikasi bernama File Finder, di mana dengan aplikasi ini kita bisa mendownload / mengcopy ribuan, bahkn jutaan file, misal file movie (film), MP3 (music) dan programprogram yang sulit didapat di pasaran. Tentu saja untuk mendapatkan aplikasi file finder,
anda harus membayar, lewat kartu kredit, tentunya. Tapi begitu anda telah membayar, dan menginstal file finder, anda tak akan menemukan satu judul filem pun! Absudrdnya, si pembuat file menyediakan trouble shooting yang
sangat panjang lebar. Tapi ujung-ujungnya, anda tetap tak bisa memakai File Finder tsb. Kenapa? Karena program ini cara kerjanya sama saja “mencuri” file orang lain. Pertama dia mengendus (sniffing), lalu harus mengenal IP address orang, dan menyetujui sang pemilik IP mengijinkan filenya disharing. Mau curi file, tapi minta ijin dulu, biar gak dituntut. Itulah amerika. Pokoknya very-very complicated dah! Coba, ada nggak yang mau bagi-bagi file di sini?
Program semacam ini sepintas bukan penipuan, tapi setelah kita masuk, kita makin terjebak dalam jurang tak berdasar. Begitulah modus operandi para penipu di internet, yang menawarkan warisan, menang lotre, dll. Mereka tak putus asa mengirim email bahkan menelepon, supaya terlihat meyakinkan. Tapi ciri-cirinya jelas, ujung-ujungnya minta dana agar kita bayar notaris fiktif.
Untuk memastikan bahwa suatu produk di internet bukan penipuan, pastikan situs itu mempunyai alamat yang jelas di dunia nyata, bukan cuma di www. Pastikan pula ada nomor telp yang bisa dihubungi. Kalau perlu selidiki dulu kepastian usahanya. Ingat, Internet adalah makhluk liar yang lahir dari ilusi-ilusi otak manusia. Dia bermutasi dan berkembang biak sesukanya, ke mana dia mau, dan tak ada yang sanggup mengendalikan atau mengontrol, sekalipun FBI atau CIA.
(Semoga setelah membaca kisah ini Anda bisa lebih berhati-hati dan tidak menjadi korban penipuan di Internet.)
sumber: joko. S
Sality, Virus Komputer Paling Merepotkan di Indonesia
Conficker boleh saja dikatakan sebagai worm nomor satu di Indonesia, namun untuk predikat virus yang paling merepotkan dan paling banyak ditemui di Indonesia layaknya pantas disandang oleh Sality.
Demikian pandangan perusahaan sekuriti Vaksincom menanggapi gelombang serbuan virus yang disinyalir berasal dari Taiwan atau China ini di Tanah Air.
Dijelaskan analis virus dari Vaksincom, Adang Jauhar Taufik, ukuran file yang sudah terinfeksi W32/Sality.AE akan bertambah besar beberapa KB dan masih dapat dijalankan seperti biasa.
Namun, biasanya virus ini akan mencoba untuk memblok program antivirus atau removal tools saat dijalankan serta mencoba untuk memblok task manager atau registry editor Windows.
“Sementara untuk mempermudah dalam proses penyebarannya, selain memanfaatkan file sharing dan default share, virus ini juga akan memanfaatkan media flash disk dengan cara membuat file acak yang mempunyai ekstensi exe/com/scr/pif serta menambahkan file autorun.inf yang memungkinkan virus dapat aktif secara otomatis setiap kali user mengakses flash disk,” ujarnya kepada detikINET, Rabu (4/3/2009).
Selain mematikan proses antivirus, lanjut Adang, Sality juga akan berupaya untuk memblok agar user tidak dapat mengakses web dari beberapa antivirus serta akan mencoba untuk mengubah beberapa string registry Windows Firewall.
Tak cuma itu virus ini juga akan menghapus key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ALG.
ALG atau Application Layer Gateway Service adalah services yang memberikan support untuk plug-in protokol aplikasi dan meng-enable konektivitas jaringan/protokol. Service ini boleh saja dimatikan.
“Dampaknya adalah program seperti MSN Messenger dan Windows Messenger tidak akan berfungsi. Service ini bisa dijalankan, tetapi hanya jika menggunakan firewall, baik firewall bawaan Windows atau firewall lain. Jika tidak komputer yang terinfeksi virus ini akan mengalami celah keamanan yang serius,” tukas Adang.
Tujuan Sality
Tujuan utama dari virus ini adalah mencoba untuk menginjeksi program instalasi dan file yang mempunyai ekstensi exe/com/scr yang ada di drive C - Y terutama file hasil instalasi (file yang berada di direktori C:\Program Files ) dan file-file portable (file yang langsung dapat dijalankan tanpa perlu instal).
File yang berhasil diinjeksi biasanya ukurannya akan bertambah sekitar 68-80 KB dari ukuran semula. Program yang telah terinfeksi ini akan tetap dapat dijalankan seperti biasa sehingga user tidak curiga bahwa file tersebut sebenarnya telah diinfeksi oleh W32/Sality.AE.
“Salah satu kecanggihan Sality adalah kemampuannya menginjeksi file tumpangannya sehingga ukuran file bervirus tidak seragam, jelas lebih sulit diidentifikasi dibandingkan virus lain yang menggantikan file yang ada sehingga ukuran filenya akan sama besar,” pungkas Adang.
Demikian pandangan perusahaan sekuriti Vaksincom menanggapi gelombang serbuan virus yang disinyalir berasal dari Taiwan atau China ini di Tanah Air.
Dijelaskan analis virus dari Vaksincom, Adang Jauhar Taufik, ukuran file yang sudah terinfeksi W32/Sality.AE akan bertambah besar beberapa KB dan masih dapat dijalankan seperti biasa.
Namun, biasanya virus ini akan mencoba untuk memblok program antivirus atau removal tools saat dijalankan serta mencoba untuk memblok task manager atau registry editor Windows.
“Sementara untuk mempermudah dalam proses penyebarannya, selain memanfaatkan file sharing dan default share, virus ini juga akan memanfaatkan media flash disk dengan cara membuat file acak yang mempunyai ekstensi exe/com/scr/pif serta menambahkan file autorun.inf yang memungkinkan virus dapat aktif secara otomatis setiap kali user mengakses flash disk,” ujarnya kepada detikINET, Rabu (4/3/2009).
Selain mematikan proses antivirus, lanjut Adang, Sality juga akan berupaya untuk memblok agar user tidak dapat mengakses web dari beberapa antivirus serta akan mencoba untuk mengubah beberapa string registry Windows Firewall.
Tak cuma itu virus ini juga akan menghapus key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ALG.
ALG atau Application Layer Gateway Service adalah services yang memberikan support untuk plug-in protokol aplikasi dan meng-enable konektivitas jaringan/protokol. Service ini boleh saja dimatikan.
“Dampaknya adalah program seperti MSN Messenger dan Windows Messenger tidak akan berfungsi. Service ini bisa dijalankan, tetapi hanya jika menggunakan firewall, baik firewall bawaan Windows atau firewall lain. Jika tidak komputer yang terinfeksi virus ini akan mengalami celah keamanan yang serius,” tukas Adang.
Tujuan Sality
Tujuan utama dari virus ini adalah mencoba untuk menginjeksi program instalasi dan file yang mempunyai ekstensi exe/com/scr yang ada di drive C - Y terutama file hasil instalasi (file yang berada di direktori C:\Program Files ) dan file-file portable (file yang langsung dapat dijalankan tanpa perlu instal).
File yang berhasil diinjeksi biasanya ukurannya akan bertambah sekitar 68-80 KB dari ukuran semula. Program yang telah terinfeksi ini akan tetap dapat dijalankan seperti biasa sehingga user tidak curiga bahwa file tersebut sebenarnya telah diinfeksi oleh W32/Sality.AE.
“Salah satu kecanggihan Sality adalah kemampuannya menginjeksi file tumpangannya sehingga ukuran file bervirus tidak seragam, jelas lebih sulit diidentifikasi dibandingkan virus lain yang menggantikan file yang ada sehingga ukuran filenya akan sama besar,” pungkas Adang.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
SWF decompiler magic
Sothink SWF Decompiler is a professional tool to convert SWF to FLA and extract elements from SWF into variable formats; and exporting multi-file simultaneously are supported. Compatible with all Flash versions including Flash 6, Flash 7, Flash 8 and Flash CS3 (9.0). Supports both ActionScript 2.0 and 3.0. After the converting, you can get the completed FLA file including linkages, components, *.as, etc.
With SWF Decompiler, you can extract any element of the Flash movie into SWF, FLA or their common format, such as shapes, morph shapes, images, sounds, videos, frames, fonts, texts, buttons, sprites and ActionScripts. E.g. you can extract ActionScript as AS or BIN file, get sounds as MP3 or WAV, images as JPEG, BMP or PNG, videos as FLV, shapes as GLS, etc. Both standard SWF and EXE (Flash project) files are supported.
Sothink SWF Decompiler provides a user-friendly interface (like Office 2007). A built-in player enables you to preview the movie and every element before exporting. A thumbnail view and navigation bar in the preview window enable you to pick element easily. And the interface layout can be customized to meet your needs.
To make SWF Decompiler more appealing, SWF Catcher is offered. It is a free tool that can capture Flash movies online from Internet Explorer or Firefox.
With SWF Decompiler, you can extract any element of the Flash movie into SWF, FLA or their common format, such as shapes, morph shapes, images, sounds, videos, frames, fonts, texts, buttons, sprites and ActionScripts. E.g. you can extract ActionScript as AS or BIN file, get sounds as MP3 or WAV, images as JPEG, BMP or PNG, videos as FLV, shapes as GLS, etc. Both standard SWF and EXE (Flash project) files are supported.
Sothink SWF Decompiler provides a user-friendly interface (like Office 2007). A built-in player enables you to preview the movie and every element before exporting. A thumbnail view and navigation bar in the preview window enable you to pick element easily. And the interface layout can be customized to meet your needs.
To make SWF Decompiler more appealing, SWF Catcher is offered. It is a free tool that can capture Flash movies online from Internet Explorer or Firefox.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Netherlands: Blogosphere debate
Netherlands: Blogosphere debate
The Dagelijkse Standaard (Daily Standard) is a rather new Dutch-language blog, featuring articles by a list of Dutch writers. Islam expert Hans Jansen was one of those writers, until he discovered that Michael van der Galien, who also writes runs PoliGazette, was a convert to Islam.
Michael van der Galien never hid the fact, but apparently it was new to Jansen. When Jansen discovered that his co-blogger was a convert to Islam, he emailed the blog editor in an exchange of emails (posted on the site, NL), which led to him leaving the blog.
Jansen wrote that having a covert to Islam as a co-fighter for freedom of speech in the Netherlands was something he would have to think about. He later said that he left the blog due to differences of opinion with the chief editor, and not specifically due to this point.
For Michael van der Galien's response to this story (in English), see One man less - a minor Dutch controversy and The side that wants to destroy the West
Sources: Dagelijkse Standaard 1, 2 (Dutch)
The Dagelijkse Standaard (Daily Standard) is a rather new Dutch-language blog, featuring articles by a list of Dutch writers. Islam expert Hans Jansen was one of those writers, until he discovered that Michael van der Galien, who also writes runs PoliGazette, was a convert to Islam.
Michael van der Galien never hid the fact, but apparently it was new to Jansen. When Jansen discovered that his co-blogger was a convert to Islam, he emailed the blog editor in an exchange of emails (posted on the site, NL), which led to him leaving the blog.
Jansen wrote that having a covert to Islam as a co-fighter for freedom of speech in the Netherlands was something he would have to think about. He later said that he left the blog due to differences of opinion with the chief editor, and not specifically due to this point.
For Michael van der Galien's response to this story (in English), see One man less - a minor Dutch controversy and The side that wants to destroy the West
Sources: Dagelijkse Standaard 1, 2 (Dutch)
Norway: 'there is no sneak Islamization here'
Norway: 'there is no sneak Islamization here'
Sometimes one news story follows another so fast, that it's hard to keep up, much less check on events of the past.
In a recent speech Siv Jensen, head of the Norwegian Progress Party, railed against what she called 'sneak Islamization', bringing as one example sex-segregated swimming classes.
Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet visited Oslo school Møllergata, where they have separate swimming and gym classes, and published an articled headlined 'there is no sneak Islamization here'. The sub-headline reads: 'Introduction of sex-segregated gym had nothing to do with Islam, says a prinicipal at an Oslo school'
From the article:
Principal Eva Kjøge tells why they have this custom. "When this was a high school, there were girls who felt run over by the boys in gym class. Therefore we introduced girl classes." She adds: "It had nothing to do with Islam that time."
The separate gym class arrangement was expanded when the percent of Muslim students increased. Today about 40% of the school's 220 students are Muslims.
- do you feel that you contribute to sneak Islamization?
"The most important thing is that the student learn to swim," the principal answers diplomatically.
Møllergata school made the news several months ago when discussion flared up around sex-segregated gym and swimming classes. This is what Eva Kjøge told Norwegian news agency NTB last August: "As a result of immigration to the city the problem arose that Muslim girls weren't allowed to have gym and swimming together with boys. Then the school had to find arrangements."
Granted, Eva Kjøge was then a new principal and might not have been aware of the history of the school's gym class arrangements. Reading what she says carefully, she doesn't really contradict herself, either. The arrangement might have been started for girls of all types, but was then expanded because Muslim girls were not allowed by their parents to join those classes.
The problem here is that Dagbladet, so eager to prove there's no 'sneak Islamization', didn't bother digging too deeply. When Kjøge said it had nothing to do with Islam 'that time', the paper didn't want to know when such arragments did have to do with Islam.
Sources: Dagbladet, Addressavisen (Norwegian)
See also:
* Norway: FRP against 'sneak Islamization'
* Oslo: Debate about segregated swimming classes
Permalink: 8:59 AM Comment on this post Trackbacks
Netherlands: Blogosphere debate
Netherlands: Blogosphere debate
The Dagelijkse Standaard (Daily Standard) is a rather new Dutch-language blog, featuring articles by a list of Dutch writers. Islam expert Hans Jansen was one of those writers, until he discovered that Michael van der Galien, who also writes runs PoliGazette, was a convert to Islam.
Michael van der Galien never hid the fact, but apparently it was new to Jansen. When Jansen discovered that his co-blogger was a convert to Islam, he emailed the blog editor in an exchange of emails (posted on the site, NL), which led to him leaving the blog.
Jansen wrote that having a covert to Islam as a co-fighter for freedom of speech in the Netherlands was something he would have to think about. He later said that he left the blog due to differences of opinion with the chief editor, and not specifically due to this point.
For Michael van der Galien's response to this story (in English), see One man less - a minor Dutch controversy and The side that wants to destroy the West
Sources: Dagelijkse Standaard 1, 2 (Dutch)
For more on Jansen:
* Netherlands: Arabist accuses bank of Islamist propoganda
* Netherlands: Arabist Hans Jansen causes irritation among his peers
* Netherlands: Muslims upset at Jansen
* Netherlands: Tolerating Muslims excesses
Sometimes one news story follows another so fast, that it's hard to keep up, much less check on events of the past.
In a recent speech Siv Jensen, head of the Norwegian Progress Party, railed against what she called 'sneak Islamization', bringing as one example sex-segregated swimming classes.
Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet visited Oslo school Møllergata, where they have separate swimming and gym classes, and published an articled headlined 'there is no sneak Islamization here'. The sub-headline reads: 'Introduction of sex-segregated gym had nothing to do with Islam, says a prinicipal at an Oslo school'
From the article:
Principal Eva Kjøge tells why they have this custom. "When this was a high school, there were girls who felt run over by the boys in gym class. Therefore we introduced girl classes." She adds: "It had nothing to do with Islam that time."
The separate gym class arrangement was expanded when the percent of Muslim students increased. Today about 40% of the school's 220 students are Muslims.
- do you feel that you contribute to sneak Islamization?
"The most important thing is that the student learn to swim," the principal answers diplomatically.
Møllergata school made the news several months ago when discussion flared up around sex-segregated gym and swimming classes. This is what Eva Kjøge told Norwegian news agency NTB last August: "As a result of immigration to the city the problem arose that Muslim girls weren't allowed to have gym and swimming together with boys. Then the school had to find arrangements."
Granted, Eva Kjøge was then a new principal and might not have been aware of the history of the school's gym class arrangements. Reading what she says carefully, she doesn't really contradict herself, either. The arrangement might have been started for girls of all types, but was then expanded because Muslim girls were not allowed by their parents to join those classes.
The problem here is that Dagbladet, so eager to prove there's no 'sneak Islamization', didn't bother digging too deeply. When Kjøge said it had nothing to do with Islam 'that time', the paper didn't want to know when such arragments did have to do with Islam.
Sources: Dagbladet, Addressavisen (Norwegian)
See also:
* Norway: FRP against 'sneak Islamization'
* Oslo: Debate about segregated swimming classes
Permalink: 8:59 AM Comment on this post Trackbacks
Netherlands: Blogosphere debate
Netherlands: Blogosphere debate
The Dagelijkse Standaard (Daily Standard) is a rather new Dutch-language blog, featuring articles by a list of Dutch writers. Islam expert Hans Jansen was one of those writers, until he discovered that Michael van der Galien, who also writes runs PoliGazette, was a convert to Islam.
Michael van der Galien never hid the fact, but apparently it was new to Jansen. When Jansen discovered that his co-blogger was a convert to Islam, he emailed the blog editor in an exchange of emails (posted on the site, NL), which led to him leaving the blog.
Jansen wrote that having a covert to Islam as a co-fighter for freedom of speech in the Netherlands was something he would have to think about. He later said that he left the blog due to differences of opinion with the chief editor, and not specifically due to this point.
For Michael van der Galien's response to this story (in English), see One man less - a minor Dutch controversy and The side that wants to destroy the West
Sources: Dagelijkse Standaard 1, 2 (Dutch)
For more on Jansen:
* Netherlands: Arabist accuses bank of Islamist propoganda
* Netherlands: Arabist Hans Jansen causes irritation among his peers
* Netherlands: Muslims upset at Jansen
* Netherlands: Tolerating Muslims excesses
Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007
Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007
Systems Management Server (SMS) | ****** | 924 Mb
The next release of Systems Management Server (SMS), entitled System Center Configuration Manager 2007, is now available for download. With major investments in simplicity, configuration, deployment and security, Configuration Manager 2007 dramatically simplifies system deployment, task automation, compliance management, and policy based security management allowing for increased business agility.
The new release of System Center Configuration Manager 2007 provides the control necessary to manage change in today's dynamic IT infrastructures more effectively. It delivers robust capabilities, including comprehensive deployment and updating functionality, enhanced insight and control, and optimization for Windows with extensibility beyond. These capabilities can be used to manage servers, clients, and handheld devices, across physical, virtual, distributed, or mobile systems. System Center Configuration Manager 2007 is built on key Microsoft technologies such as Windows Server Update Services (WSUS), Active Directory, and Windows OS tools and technologies (Windows Preinstallation Environment (WinPE), WIM, and XML), and leverages the knowledge-driven IT management of System Center. It helps administrators minimize thenumber of OS images to manage, more easily define and track systems compliance, and improve systems performance and security to better manage today's dynamic infrastructure.
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Systems Management Server (SMS) | ****** | 924 Mb
The next release of Systems Management Server (SMS), entitled System Center Configuration Manager 2007, is now available for download. With major investments in simplicity, configuration, deployment and security, Configuration Manager 2007 dramatically simplifies system deployment, task automation, compliance management, and policy based security management allowing for increased business agility.
The new release of System Center Configuration Manager 2007 provides the control necessary to manage change in today's dynamic IT infrastructures more effectively. It delivers robust capabilities, including comprehensive deployment and updating functionality, enhanced insight and control, and optimization for Windows with extensibility beyond. These capabilities can be used to manage servers, clients, and handheld devices, across physical, virtual, distributed, or mobile systems. System Center Configuration Manager 2007 is built on key Microsoft technologies such as Windows Server Update Services (WSUS), Active Directory, and Windows OS tools and technologies (Windows Preinstallation Environment (WinPE), WIM, and XML), and leverages the knowledge-driven IT management of System Center. It helps administrators minimize thenumber of OS images to manage, more easily define and track systems compliance, and improve systems performance and security to better manage today's dynamic infrastructure.
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Portable Auslogic Boost Speed [Mediafire]
BoostSpeed effectively rehabilitates and maximizes PC performance without adding or changing hardware, keeps Microsoft Office and Windows™ components running smoothly, and gives users the ultimate control over Internet connection while providing comprehensive traffic analysis tools."
...this powerful optimization suite will boost Internet, tweak Windows to its peak performance. It's a great way to keep your computer clean and optimized..
"This meticulously written application is an ideal solution for anyone who wants to boost their computer for peak performance without costly hardware upgrades. BoostSpeed gives you a combination of 15 precision-engineered modules, all conveniently delivered in one optimization suite."
Start programs faster. Speed up computer start time. Increase Internet speed, optimize your Internet Explorer, Firefox and E-mail programs.
...this powerful optimization suite will boost Internet, tweak Windows to its peak performance. It's a great way to keep your computer clean and optimized..
"This meticulously written application is an ideal solution for anyone who wants to boost their computer for peak performance without costly hardware upgrades. BoostSpeed gives you a combination of 15 precision-engineered modules, all conveniently delivered in one optimization suite."
Start programs faster. Speed up computer start time. Increase Internet speed, optimize your Internet Explorer, Firefox and E-mail programs.
BoostSpeed effectively rehabilitates and maximizes PC performance without adding or changing hardware, keeps Microsoft Office and Windows™ components running smoothly, and gives users the ultimate control over Internet connection while providing comprehensive traffic analysis tools."
...this powerful optimization suite will boost Internet, tweak Windows to its peak performance. It's a great way to keep your computer clean and optimized..
"This meticulously written application is an ideal solution for anyone who wants to boost their computer for peak performance without costly hardware upgrades. BoostSpeed gives you a combination of 15 precision-engineered modules, all conveniently delivered in one optimization suite."
Start programs faster. Speed up computer start time. Increase Internet speed, optimize your Internet Explorer, Firefox and E-mail programs.
...this powerful optimization suite will boost Internet, tweak Windows to its peak performance. It's a great way to keep your computer clean and optimized..
"This meticulously written application is an ideal solution for anyone who wants to boost their computer for peak performance without costly hardware upgrades. BoostSpeed gives you a combination of 15 precision-engineered modules, all conveniently delivered in one optimization suite."
Start programs faster. Speed up computer start time. Increase Internet speed, optimize your Internet Explorer, Firefox and E-mail programs.
Interactive Web-Based Virtual Reality with Java 3D
Interactive Web-Based Virtual Reality with Java 3D
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With the emergence of the Java 3D API, the creation of high quality 3D animated graphics for Java applications and applets becomes a possibility. With numerous aspects of the business, science, medical, and educational fields implementing this technology, the need for familiarity of Java 3D amplifies. Interactive Web-Based Virtual Reality with Java 3D provides both advanced and novice programmers with comprehensive, detailed coverage of all of the important issues in Java 3D. This essential book delivers illustrations of essential keywords, syntax, and methods to provide an easy-to-read learning experience for the reader.
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IGI Global | 492 pages | 1599047896 | July 9, 2008 | PDF | 5 Mb
With the emergence of the Java 3D API, the creation of high quality 3D animated graphics for Java applications and applets becomes a possibility. With numerous aspects of the business, science, medical, and educational fields implementing this technology, the need for familiarity of Java 3D amplifies. Interactive Web-Based Virtual Reality with Java 3D provides both advanced and novice programmers with comprehensive, detailed coverage of all of the important issues in Java 3D. This essential book delivers illustrations of essential keywords, syntax, and methods to provide an easy-to-read learning experience for the reader.
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Portable Grammatica (English and French)
Portable Grammatica (English and French)
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Grammatica is a powerful bilingual grammar and spelling checker for Microsoft Word and Windows. It includes French and English grammar and spell-checking (with grammar explanations and suggested corrections). Its dictionary includes more than 500,000 entries in French and more than 275,000 entries in English.
Grammatica analyses the function of words in a phrase, and can also open Word, HTML and RTF documents. A customizable grammatical lexicon is also available.
File size: 15.1Mb
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Grammatica is a powerful bilingual grammar and spelling checker for Microsoft Word and Windows. It includes French and English grammar and spell-checking (with grammar explanations and suggested corrections). Its dictionary includes more than 500,000 entries in French and more than 275,000 entries in English.
Grammatica analyses the function of words in a phrase, and can also open Word, HTML and RTF documents. A customizable grammatical lexicon is also available.
Left 4 Dead Full-Rip Skullptura [CAN PLAY ONLINE]
Left 4 Dead puts four human playable or AI controlled survivors of an apocalyptic pandemic against hordes of aggressive
"Infected" zombies in a cinematic backdrop in which the players star as each character in a fictional movie. The Survivors'
goal is to help each other make it through various scenarios to safety. The Infected are controlled by an AI that dynamically
balances difficulty and mood depending on the players' progress and situation. In an alternate game mode, human players
can control up to four different monsters with special abilities and cooperate to stop the Survivor players.
It was released on November 18, 2008 in the United States and November 21, 2008 in Europe to coincide with the tenth
anniversary of the release of Half-Life.[5][6] A five-minute trailer was released on Halloween.[7] A playable demo was made
available on November 6 for pre-purchasers and on November 11 for the general public. The playable demo was closed on
November 18, 2008. The demo contained the first one and a half out of five maps of the "No Mercy" campaign and was
playable in both single player and multi-player. Left 4 Dead went gold on November 13, 2008.
1. Click on setup.bat
2. Follow the screen instructions
3. Play
Download Link(s):
Left 4 Dead puts four human playable or AI controlled survivors of an apocalyptic pandemic against hordes of aggressive
"Infected" zombies in a cinematic backdrop in which the players star as each character in a fictional movie. The Survivors'
goal is to help each other make it through various scenarios to safety. The Infected are controlled by an AI that dynamically
balances difficulty and mood depending on the players' progress and situation. In an alternate game mode, human players
can control up to four different monsters with special abilities and cooperate to stop the Survivor players.
It was released on November 18, 2008 in the United States and November 21, 2008 in Europe to coincide with the tenth
anniversary of the release of Half-Life.[5][6] A five-minute trailer was released on Halloween.[7] A playable demo was made
available on November 6 for pre-purchasers and on November 11 for the general public. The playable demo was closed on
November 18, 2008. The demo contained the first one and a half out of five maps of the "No Mercy" campaign and was
playable in both single player and multi-player. Left 4 Dead went gold on November 13, 2008.
1. Click on setup.bat
2. Follow the screen instructions
3. Play
Download Link(s):
assassin creed
Assassin's Creed is a video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft. It was released worldwide in November 2007 on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 video game consoles.[1] The North American PC version was released on April 8, 2008.
A prequel for this game, titled Assassin's Creed: Altaïr's Chronicles, developed by Gameloft,[10] was released on February 5, 2008 for the Nintendo DS.[11] It was also ported to the Symbian Mobile. A sequel was confirmed by Ubisoft, tentatively to be released in 2010
The main story of Assassin's Creed takes place in September 2012; Desmond Miles, a bartender, has been kidnapped by the fictional company Abstergo Industries in order to be used as a test subject in the "Animus," a device that can stimulate the recall of ancestral memories buried in the user's DNA. Abstergo has Desmond use the device to recall the role of Altaïr Ibn La-Ahad (الطائر ابن لا أحد , Arabic: "The Flying One, Son of None" or "The Bird, Son of None"), one of Desmond's ancestors, in the "Assassin Brotherhood" during 1191 as part of the Third Crusade in the Holy Land. The character and his clan are based on a true military wing, called Hashshashin along with a Jewish assassin group called the Zealots, the idea for it coming from "Blitzkrieg to Desert Storm: The Evolution of Operational Warfare" by Robert M. Citino along with Bartol's novel Alamut.[13][14] Desmond at first has trouble adjusting to the device, but eventually is able to relive Altaïr's exploits over the next several days. Much of the core game is then presented from Altaïr's point-of-view as seen by Desmond, though at times interrupted by glitches resulting from the Animus.
At the start of the memories, Altaïr is shown attempting to retrieve a "Piece of Eden", a strange artifact, from Solomon's Temple with the help of other assassins, but is stopped by Robert IV de Sablé, a member of the Knights Templar and sworn enemies of the assassins. While retrieving the treasure, Altaïr breaks all three tenants of the Assassin's Creed [them being: 1) "Stay your blade", 2) "Hide in plain sight", and 3) "Never compromise the brotherhood."] to attempt to kill de Sablé, but fails; upon returning to the Brotherhood, Al Mualim (المعلم): "The teacher", leader of the Assassins, demotes Altaïr to an initiate, making him a novice again and giving him another chance to rise through the ranks of the Brotherhood. To this end, Al Mualim assigns Altaïr the task of assassinating nine key figures across the Holy Land in Jerusalem, Acre, and Damascus, in order to attempt to bring peace between the Crusaders and Muslim forces. Altaïr methodically completes each task, learning that each target is connected to Robert and the Templars and share their mysterious goals. As he completes each of the assassinations, he finds out that the Templars are trying to trick the Muslim and Christian forces to work together and face a common enemy, the assassins. As he kills each of his targets, each of them talk to him and tell him about their goal to bring peace and unity in this world, the same thing that the assassins want. This is also supported by a conversation by Lucy (Abstergo's assisstant). She tells him that what they do is bad, though their ultimate goal is good. Altaïr's final target, de Sablé, reveals in his dying words that Al Mualim is himself a member of the Knights Templar, and used Altaïr to kill the other members so he could keep the treasure for himself. Altaïr quickly returns to Masyaf to accost his master. Al Mualim reveals the truth; the Piece of Eden creates illusions, and he denounces religion and other seemingly supernatural events as illusions caused by it. He then states his intention to use the artifact to compel mankind into a brainwashed state and so bring an end to conflict. Altaïr attempts to kill his former master, but Al Mualim uses the Piece of Eden to warp Altaïr's vision. Altaïr is eventually able to see through the deception and kill Al Mualim, recovering the artifact. As he does, the Piece of Eden activates, showing a holographic view of the world with numerous locations marked across the globe.
Cryptic messages on the wall of Desmond's bedroom at the end of the game.
With Altaïr's memory complete, Desmond wakes up out of the Animus and learns that Abstergo Industries is already sending out recovery teams to locations shown by the "Piece of Eden" in Altaïr's memory, hoping to find additional artifacts. Desmond, no longer being of use to the Knights Templar, is to be silenced; however, he is saved by a researcher named Lucy Stillman, who reveals herself to be an Assassin by showing her hand with her ring finger closed as if it were missing. In the conclusion of the game, Desmond, having become "synchronized" with Altaïr, is able to use the eagle vision (a sort of empathic sight to see hidden messages and tell friend from foe) and by looking at Lucy, he can see that she is an ally to him (shown by her glowing blue), giving further proof that she is a genuine Assassin. He also sees messages that only he can see, scrawled across the floors and walls that refer to the end of the world described by several religions, among other writings; such writings include references to the biblical passage Revelation 22:13 ("I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."), a Lorenz attractor, the Eye of Providence, as well as part of a Mandelbrot set and other writings in foreign languages. Additionally, there is the Mayan date of—December 21, 2012—which is only three months away within the game's timeline and represents the planned date of the launch of a mysterious satellite the Templars have created, which they claim will "permanently end the war." It shows a picture of all the planets alligned in a row which will supposedly happen on 12/21/12. The Arabic word "Az-Zalzala", literally meaning "The Earthquake" can be seen, which is the title of a chapter in the Qur'an that talks about Judgement Day. Some Nazca Line drawings are also found. There is also a reference to Yonaguni, a Japanese island similar to Atlantis. Also written on the wall of his room are the Hebrew words "Olam ha-Ba" (עולם הבא), meaning "the next world" or "after-life". Further investigation after the credits reveals an email sent to Vidic by Lucy, stating that the drawings come from a mysterious "subject sixteen" who went insane due to what they described as a "bleeding effect" (essentially, genetic memory assimilation comes to a point where the subject can no longer distinguish between their life and their ancestors' memories. Lucy speculates that, though subject sixteen's "bleeding" was brought on by too much time spent in the Animus, natural forms may occur, such as Dissociative Identity Disorder and other forms of dementia).
Download Link(s):
A prequel for this game, titled Assassin's Creed: Altaïr's Chronicles, developed by Gameloft,[10] was released on February 5, 2008 for the Nintendo DS.[11] It was also ported to the Symbian Mobile. A sequel was confirmed by Ubisoft, tentatively to be released in 2010
The main story of Assassin's Creed takes place in September 2012; Desmond Miles, a bartender, has been kidnapped by the fictional company Abstergo Industries in order to be used as a test subject in the "Animus," a device that can stimulate the recall of ancestral memories buried in the user's DNA. Abstergo has Desmond use the device to recall the role of Altaïr Ibn La-Ahad (الطائر ابن لا أحد , Arabic: "The Flying One, Son of None" or "The Bird, Son of None"), one of Desmond's ancestors, in the "Assassin Brotherhood" during 1191 as part of the Third Crusade in the Holy Land. The character and his clan are based on a true military wing, called Hashshashin along with a Jewish assassin group called the Zealots, the idea for it coming from "Blitzkrieg to Desert Storm: The Evolution of Operational Warfare" by Robert M. Citino along with Bartol's novel Alamut.[13][14] Desmond at first has trouble adjusting to the device, but eventually is able to relive Altaïr's exploits over the next several days. Much of the core game is then presented from Altaïr's point-of-view as seen by Desmond, though at times interrupted by glitches resulting from the Animus.
At the start of the memories, Altaïr is shown attempting to retrieve a "Piece of Eden", a strange artifact, from Solomon's Temple with the help of other assassins, but is stopped by Robert IV de Sablé, a member of the Knights Templar and sworn enemies of the assassins. While retrieving the treasure, Altaïr breaks all three tenants of the Assassin's Creed [them being: 1) "Stay your blade", 2) "Hide in plain sight", and 3) "Never compromise the brotherhood."] to attempt to kill de Sablé, but fails; upon returning to the Brotherhood, Al Mualim (المعلم): "The teacher", leader of the Assassins, demotes Altaïr to an initiate, making him a novice again and giving him another chance to rise through the ranks of the Brotherhood. To this end, Al Mualim assigns Altaïr the task of assassinating nine key figures across the Holy Land in Jerusalem, Acre, and Damascus, in order to attempt to bring peace between the Crusaders and Muslim forces. Altaïr methodically completes each task, learning that each target is connected to Robert and the Templars and share their mysterious goals. As he completes each of the assassinations, he finds out that the Templars are trying to trick the Muslim and Christian forces to work together and face a common enemy, the assassins. As he kills each of his targets, each of them talk to him and tell him about their goal to bring peace and unity in this world, the same thing that the assassins want. This is also supported by a conversation by Lucy (Abstergo's assisstant). She tells him that what they do is bad, though their ultimate goal is good. Altaïr's final target, de Sablé, reveals in his dying words that Al Mualim is himself a member of the Knights Templar, and used Altaïr to kill the other members so he could keep the treasure for himself. Altaïr quickly returns to Masyaf to accost his master. Al Mualim reveals the truth; the Piece of Eden creates illusions, and he denounces religion and other seemingly supernatural events as illusions caused by it. He then states his intention to use the artifact to compel mankind into a brainwashed state and so bring an end to conflict. Altaïr attempts to kill his former master, but Al Mualim uses the Piece of Eden to warp Altaïr's vision. Altaïr is eventually able to see through the deception and kill Al Mualim, recovering the artifact. As he does, the Piece of Eden activates, showing a holographic view of the world with numerous locations marked across the globe.
Cryptic messages on the wall of Desmond's bedroom at the end of the game.
With Altaïr's memory complete, Desmond wakes up out of the Animus and learns that Abstergo Industries is already sending out recovery teams to locations shown by the "Piece of Eden" in Altaïr's memory, hoping to find additional artifacts. Desmond, no longer being of use to the Knights Templar, is to be silenced; however, he is saved by a researcher named Lucy Stillman, who reveals herself to be an Assassin by showing her hand with her ring finger closed as if it were missing. In the conclusion of the game, Desmond, having become "synchronized" with Altaïr, is able to use the eagle vision (a sort of empathic sight to see hidden messages and tell friend from foe) and by looking at Lucy, he can see that she is an ally to him (shown by her glowing blue), giving further proof that she is a genuine Assassin. He also sees messages that only he can see, scrawled across the floors and walls that refer to the end of the world described by several religions, among other writings; such writings include references to the biblical passage Revelation 22:13 ("I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."), a Lorenz attractor, the Eye of Providence, as well as part of a Mandelbrot set and other writings in foreign languages. Additionally, there is the Mayan date of—December 21, 2012—which is only three months away within the game's timeline and represents the planned date of the launch of a mysterious satellite the Templars have created, which they claim will "permanently end the war." It shows a picture of all the planets alligned in a row which will supposedly happen on 12/21/12. The Arabic word "Az-Zalzala", literally meaning "The Earthquake" can be seen, which is the title of a chapter in the Qur'an that talks about Judgement Day. Some Nazca Line drawings are also found. There is also a reference to Yonaguni, a Japanese island similar to Atlantis. Also written on the wall of his room are the Hebrew words "Olam ha-Ba" (עולם הבא), meaning "the next world" or "after-life". Further investigation after the credits reveals an email sent to Vidic by Lucy, stating that the drawings come from a mysterious "subject sixteen" who went insane due to what they described as a "bleeding effect" (essentially, genetic memory assimilation comes to a point where the subject can no longer distinguish between their life and their ancestors' memories. Lucy speculates that, though subject sixteen's "bleeding" was brought on by too much time spent in the Animus, natural forms may occur, such as Dissociative Identity Disorder and other forms of dementia).
Download Link(s):
R-Wipe Clean 8.5 Build 1511
R-Wipe & Clean is a complete solution to wipe useless files and keep your computer privacy. Irretrievably deletes private records of your on- and off-line activities, such as temporary internet files, history, cookies, autocomplete forms and passwords, swap files, recently opened documents list, Explorer MRUs, temporary files, etc., traces from more than 200 third-party applications, and free up your disk space. The utility wipes files and unused disk space using either fast or secure erase algorithms. All files and folders may be combined in wipe lists to erase them in a single procedure.
R-Wipe & Clean wipes all files to ensure their total unrecoverable elimination. Supports both the FAT and NTFS file systems. All separate wiping and cleaning tasks can be combined in one or more erasing procedures launched immediately or at predefined times or events as a background task.
Total computer cleaning:
* Verify and select information before irretrievable wiping.
* Wipe and delete temporary Internet files.
* Wipe and delete cookies, small files that web sites store on your computers for identification purposes. Your favorite cookies may be safely kept.
* Wipe and delete Flash cookies, small files that web sites create on your computer.
* Wipe and delete Java and Microsoft VM logs.
* Clean autocomplete forms : logins, user names, passwords and other personal information entered at web sites and keywords entered at search engines.
* Clean history: lists of visited web sites.
* Clean list of recently opened documents.
* Clean list of open file history.
* Clean Windows clipboard content.
* Wipe and delete temporary files created by Windows and other programs.
* Clean system Registry traces: run list, search results, mapped network drives, attached peripheral devices, last opened Registry key, etc.
* Clean MFUs: lists of most frequently used programs, start menu links and icons, Control Panel items, Favorite Web pages, and Internet Explorer buttons.
* Wipe .dat files (even locked) to remove any leftovers after incorrect Windows shutdowns.
* Wipe and delete offline content.
* Clean activity traces from more than 200 third-party applications, including Microsoft Office, standard Windows, and numerous popular programs. Installed applications are detected automatically.
* Create customized wipe lists to clean activity traces from any application that R-Wipe&Clean currently does not support. Such wipe lists may include application working and temporary folders and files, and registry keys.
* Wipe Windows swap files.
* Wipe and delete invalid Desktop shortcuts: the shortcuts that are on your Desktop but not linked to any existing objects.
* Clean Windows event logs.
* Wipe Windows built-in Firewall logs.
* Clean links to recent network folders.
* Wipe auxiliary temporary files: setup temporary and log files, memory dump files, old Check Disk files..
* Wipe and delete Prefetch traces.
* Wipe and delete Defragmentation list.
* Clean Stored Explorer View Settings.
* Clean Stored Application Descriptions.
* Wipe and delete cached Icons and Fonts.
* Wipe and delete Windows update logs .
* Wipe and delete WMI, Diagnostics, and Security Management logs.
* Clean Stored Network Passwords.
File wiping:
* FAT and NTFS file systems support.
* Wipes files using several selectable fast or strong erase algorithms, including DOD-approved. Files can be wiped directly from Windows Explorer.
* Predefined wipe lists: lists of files and folders that are wiped through a single task. Files and folders can be added to a current wipe list directly from Windows Explorer.
* Wipes file's alternate data streams.
* Wipes cluster tips: free parts of file clusters.
Disk wiping:
* FAT and NTFS file systems support.
* Wipes unused disk space using several selectable fast or strong erase algorithms, including DOD-approved.
* Wipes unused space on a single disk directly from the R-Wipe & Clean tab in the disk Properties.
* Wipes unused space of several disks through one single wipe task.
* Wipe records of small files stored directly in the NTFS Master File Table.
* You may combine all cleaning and wiping tasks in different erasing procedures launched manually or at scheduled times or events (user logon / logoff, system start up / shutdown, closing any or all browsers, etc.)
* A cleaning and wiping task may be started from a command line.
* When schedule is set, erasing procedure starts automatically as a background task.
* Scheduler can turn your computer off when the erasing procedure is completed.
Additional useful features:
* Detailed representation of all records of on- and off-line activity on your computer.
* The Boss Key: emergency web-browser closing.
* Ultimate Popup blocker.
* Stealth mode.
* Customizable system integration: most wipe and delete operation can be performed directly from Windows.
* Password protection.
* Standby/hibernate control: your computer will not hibernate until R-Wipe&Clean finishes its long job.
* Customization: only necessary items can be visible in R-Wipe&Clean.
[b]New R-Wipe & Clean 8.0 supports all recent versions of Internet Explorer, Mozilla /Mozilla Firefox, Opera, NETSCAPE, AOL, MSN, and BT Yahoo browsers as well as the Google and MSN toolbars and removes traces from 200+ third-party applications, including Microsoft Office 2007.
Home Page:
Size: 3.89 MB
R-Wipe & Clean wipes all files to ensure their total unrecoverable elimination. Supports both the FAT and NTFS file systems. All separate wiping and cleaning tasks can be combined in one or more erasing procedures launched immediately or at predefined times or events as a background task.
Total computer cleaning:
* Verify and select information before irretrievable wiping.
* Wipe and delete temporary Internet files.
* Wipe and delete cookies, small files that web sites store on your computers for identification purposes. Your favorite cookies may be safely kept.
* Wipe and delete Flash cookies, small files that web sites create on your computer.
* Wipe and delete Java and Microsoft VM logs.
* Clean autocomplete forms : logins, user names, passwords and other personal information entered at web sites and keywords entered at search engines.
* Clean history: lists of visited web sites.
* Clean list of recently opened documents.
* Clean list of open file history.
* Clean Windows clipboard content.
* Wipe and delete temporary files created by Windows and other programs.
* Clean system Registry traces: run list, search results, mapped network drives, attached peripheral devices, last opened Registry key, etc.
* Clean MFUs: lists of most frequently used programs, start menu links and icons, Control Panel items, Favorite Web pages, and Internet Explorer buttons.
* Wipe .dat files (even locked) to remove any leftovers after incorrect Windows shutdowns.
* Wipe and delete offline content.
* Clean activity traces from more than 200 third-party applications, including Microsoft Office, standard Windows, and numerous popular programs. Installed applications are detected automatically.
* Create customized wipe lists to clean activity traces from any application that R-Wipe&Clean currently does not support. Such wipe lists may include application working and temporary folders and files, and registry keys.
* Wipe Windows swap files.
* Wipe and delete invalid Desktop shortcuts: the shortcuts that are on your Desktop but not linked to any existing objects.
* Clean Windows event logs.
* Wipe Windows built-in Firewall logs.
* Clean links to recent network folders.
* Wipe auxiliary temporary files: setup temporary and log files, memory dump files, old Check Disk files..
* Wipe and delete Prefetch traces.
* Wipe and delete Defragmentation list.
* Clean Stored Explorer View Settings.
* Clean Stored Application Descriptions.
* Wipe and delete cached Icons and Fonts.
* Wipe and delete Windows update logs .
* Wipe and delete WMI, Diagnostics, and Security Management logs.
* Clean Stored Network Passwords.
File wiping:
* FAT and NTFS file systems support.
* Wipes files using several selectable fast or strong erase algorithms, including DOD-approved. Files can be wiped directly from Windows Explorer.
* Predefined wipe lists: lists of files and folders that are wiped through a single task. Files and folders can be added to a current wipe list directly from Windows Explorer.
* Wipes file's alternate data streams.
* Wipes cluster tips: free parts of file clusters.
Disk wiping:
* FAT and NTFS file systems support.
* Wipes unused disk space using several selectable fast or strong erase algorithms, including DOD-approved.
* Wipes unused space on a single disk directly from the R-Wipe & Clean tab in the disk Properties.
* Wipes unused space of several disks through one single wipe task.
* Wipe records of small files stored directly in the NTFS Master File Table.
* You may combine all cleaning and wiping tasks in different erasing procedures launched manually or at scheduled times or events (user logon / logoff, system start up / shutdown, closing any or all browsers, etc.)
* A cleaning and wiping task may be started from a command line.
* When schedule is set, erasing procedure starts automatically as a background task.
* Scheduler can turn your computer off when the erasing procedure is completed.
Additional useful features:
* Detailed representation of all records of on- and off-line activity on your computer.
* The Boss Key: emergency web-browser closing.
* Ultimate Popup blocker.
* Stealth mode.
* Customizable system integration: most wipe and delete operation can be performed directly from Windows.
* Password protection.
* Standby/hibernate control: your computer will not hibernate until R-Wipe&Clean finishes its long job.
* Customization: only necessary items can be visible in R-Wipe&Clean.
[b]New R-Wipe & Clean 8.0 supports all recent versions of Internet Explorer, Mozilla /Mozilla Firefox, Opera, NETSCAPE, AOL, MSN, and BT Yahoo browsers as well as the Google and MSN toolbars and removes traces from 200+ third-party applications, including Microsoft Office 2007.
Home Page:
Size: 3.89 MB
Stardock Windows FX 3.0
Stardock WindowFX 3.0 adds plenty of visual effects and changes to the interface Windows XP:
- semilucent pls under windows,
- ability to displace windows with the use of morfinga,
- different types of onimacii at opening/closing of windows,
- it is possible to use large icons on a workmount, saving here, standard size of icons in other places,
- adding of effect to semilucentness to the different elements of windows, - et cetera
Download Link(s):
Download | LetitBit
Download | DepositFiles
Download | UploadBox
Download | VIP-File
- semilucent pls under windows,
- ability to displace windows with the use of morfinga,
- different types of onimacii at opening/closing of windows,
- it is possible to use large icons on a workmount, saving here, standard size of icons in other places,
- adding of effect to semilucentness to the different elements of windows, - et cetera
Download Link(s):
Download | LetitBit
Download | DepositFiles
Download | UploadBox
Download | VIP-File
Windows XP Professional SP3 Corporate With Vista Media Center DVD 2009 (Supported Sata/Raid)
Release Date .... January 31, 2009
Program Type ... OS
Protection ......... Gates?
Platform ............ Windows XP Professional SP3 Corporate With Vista Media Center DVD
Language .......... English
Image Type ....... DVD ISO
1. Unrar and burn with Nero/UltraISO
2. License Product key intergated.
Design base on Original Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 3
Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 3 - VL (x86) - CD (English)
Date Posted (UTC):5/2/2008 12:05:18 AM
Windows XP Professional with SP3 VL English
FILE: en_windows_xp_professional_with_service_pack_3_x86 _cd_vl_x14-73974.iso
Size: 589.14 MB
MD5: 5BF476E2FC445B8D06B3C2A6091FE3AA
SHA1: 66ac289ae27724c5ae17139227cbe78c01eefe40
Warez Intergated
Windows XP Post-SP3 Update Pack version 1.0.3
Mediacenter vista sounds
Windows MediaPlayer11
Internet Explorer7
Vista Drive
Uber Pack
Nlite\mp11 slipsteamer
KMPlayer with 11 skins (3 Vista)
Vista Codec Package 4.7.2
Setup billboard
Shell32 (avi's)
System properties
Logon screen
Removed recyclebin from desktop
Drivers intergated:
Sata/Raid drivers intergated so supported newest Laptop/Desktop
+Intel ICH7R/M, ICH8R/M, ICH9R/M or ICH10R/D S-ATA AHCI and RAID Controllers
+nForce2/3/4 SataRAID and PataRAID systems
Intergated all hotfixs update to January 18, 2009
KB281981 - Disconnected sessions retain the original variable
KB887606 - Microsoft XML Parser (MSXML) uses cached credentials incorrectly
KB898461 - Permanent copy of the Package Installer for Windows version
KB909520 - Software update for Base Smart Card Cryptographic Service Provider
KB917275 - Windows Rights Management Services for Windows XP
KB922120 - Network Map in Windows Vista does not display computers that are running Windows XP
KB931125 - Microsoft Root Certificates Update (November 2008)
KB932578 - Event ID 55 may be logged in the System log when creating many files on an NTFS partition
KB932716 - Image Mastering API v2.0 (IMAPIv2.0) update
KB938759 - Cannot distribute or install a software package if the software package contains a very large signed file
KB940648 - "You might not have permission to use this network resource" error when trying to open My Documents folder after resuming from hibernation
KB942213 - The MMC.exe program randomly becomes unresponsive when the user clicks OK or Cancel several times to close a Windows form
KB942288 - Windows Installer 4.5
KB943232 - An application that uses Sxs.dll crashes when running the application
KB943729 - New Group Policy preferences in Windows Server 2008
KB944043 - Windows Server 2008 read-only domain controller compatibility pack
KB946648 - Security update for Windows Messenger 4.7
KB947460 - ": is not accessible" error when trying to open a mapped DFS folder after coming out of standby
KB948046 - A Word document is not printed as expected after installing the Windows European Union Expansion Font pack
KB948101 - USB keyboard does not work after restarting a computer that has an NVIDIA 680i motherboard
KB948720 - Cannot install device drivers in a Windows Server 2008 cluster environment if the drivers contain LZ-compressed files
KB949033 - Severe video degradation and a Stop error when connecting a USB Webcam to the computer
KB949127 - Cannot establish a wireless connection using EAP authentication if the Service Set Identifier (SSID) includes a comma
KB949764 - A USB device no longer works after resuming computer from hibernation (S4)
KB949900 - The RunOnce.exe process may stop responding during the driver installation process
KB950234 - " is not accessible. Access is denied" error when trying to open a shared file in Windows Explorer
KB950312 - "The application failed to initialize properly (0xC0000142)" error when trying to start a console-based application
KB950616 - An audio application that uses the Portcls.sys file may stop responding
KB950762 - Vulnerabilities in Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) could allow denial of service
KB950974 - Vulnerability in Event System could allow remote code execution
KB951066 - Security update for Outlook Express
KB951126 - Multiprocessor computer stops responding on a black screen after resuming from hibernation
KB951163 - When trying to connect to the local computer using the MSTSC command, a black screen may appear for several minutes
KB951376 - Vulnerability in Bluetooth stack could allow remote code execution
KB951531 - The W32Time service does not synchronize the CMOS clock time to the Internet time after the W32Time service stops
KB951618 - A black screen occurs when upgrading the operating system on a computer that has Onekey Recovery 5.0 installed
KB951624 - A 30-second delay occurs during the initialization of some network-based applications
KB951698 - Vulnerabilities in DirectX could allow remote code execution
KB951709 - Event ID 26 when attaching two IDE ATA/ATAPI devices as master and subordinate IDE devices
KB951978 - Script output is not displayed as expected when running VBScript or JScript scripts
KB952069 - Security update for Windows Media Format Runtime and Media Foundation
KB952206 - Printer-driver upgrade fails on printer clients when multiple printer queues are upgraded at the same time
KB952954 - Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows Image Color Management could allow remote code execution
KB953024 - Rich Text Format (.rtf) files may not print correctly when using an application that uses the RichEdit control
KB953028 - An application experiences an access violation and then crashes if the computer has more than four cores or more than four logical processors
KB953155 - Vulnerability in Windows Internet Printing service could allow remote code execution
KB953609 - "At least one of your changes was not applied successfully to the wireless configuration" error when adding a wireless network
KB953761 - Some DHCP Options are not recognized when the DHCP server offer includes option 43
KB954193 - Jet 4.0 Database Engine cumulative hotfix package: July 2, 2008
KB954232 - On-Screen Keyboard behavior does not mimic the physical keyboard behavior in certain scenarios
KB954600 - Security update for Windows Media Player 6.4
KB954708 - Update to add support for the serialization of complex Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) data types in the Windows Imaging Component
KB954879 - The LSASS.exe process crashes and the computer restarts when trying to start the Network Access Protection Agent service
KB954920 - Various error messages when an application requests a result set from new SQL Server 2008 collations
KB955043 - A memory leak may occur when running an application that uses the DHTML Edit control
KB955069 - Security update for XML Core Services 3.0
KB955109 - 0xC0000005 (Access Violation) error when running an application that uses the Application Desktop Toolbar (AppBar) component
KB955356 - When trying to start a computer that is connected to an IEEE1394 hard disk, it stops responding before the logon screen appears
KB955417 - Protected storage (PStore) uses a lower-quality cryptographic function when the system locale is set to French (France)
KB955567 - Data corruption may occur when trying to append data to a FILESTREAM varbinary (max) column in SQL Server 2008
KB955576 - TAPI-based applications stop responding, and you cannot disconnect telephone calls on a Windows XP-based telephony server
KB955832 - SSL connection may fail when using Internet Explorer to make an SSL connection to an HTTPS Web site that is certified by a DSS certificate
KB955839 - Cumulative time zone update (December, 2008)
KB955843 - An ADO-based application may stop responding when it uses the adAsyncExecute option to open a Recordset object
KB955988 - The Win32_Environment WMI class doesn't return the value of the PATH environment variable if it contains more than 1,024 characters
KB956072 - Terminal server does not allow RDP connections whose encryption level is set to Low
KB956391 - Cumulative security update for ActiveX (October, 2008)
KB956625 - Computer becomes unstable or crashes after running Internet Explorer 7 for a long time
KB956802 - Vulnerabilities in GDI could allow remote code execution
KB956807 - The Unicode hyphen character (U+2010) is not drawn when using an application that uses GDI+ API functions
KB956841 - Vulnerability in Virtual Address Descriptor manipulation could allow elevation of privilege
KB957263 - Changes to the custom properties of a program that supports custom properties may not be saved
KB958106 - Some components of an application not displayed correctly in a Terminal Services session
KB958149 - Performance decreases when streaming isochronous data on a computer that has a TI IEEE1394 host controller
KB958215 - Cumulative security update for Internet Explorer (December, 2008)
KB958244 - System may stop responding when restarting a multicore computer
KB958282 - 0x00000050 stop error when an application calls the NtGdiRectInRegion function
KB958347 - Device that is connected through a 1394 FireWire hub is still present in system after hot unplugging it
KB958644 - Vulnerability in Server service could allow remote code execution
KB958655 - "API call rejected - No actions in Context" error when installing multiple MSI packages
KB958687 - Vulnerabilities in SMB could allow remote code execution
KB958752 - Application compatibility issue with the version of AFD.sys that is released with MS08-037 and MS08-066 security updates
KB958817 - Automatic Update window may stop responding when using a WSUS server to deploy updates
KB959237 - Internet Explorer crashes when browsing a page that fetches and filters a recordset asynchronously from an instance of SQL Server
KB959267 - After repeatedly docking and undocking a portable computer, unable to change state of attached network device
KB959334 - Text that has the font set to Arial Black and the font style set to bold may change so that the font style is set to italic opening the document
KB959439 - After uploading encrypted files to a WebDAV share, the files remain encrypted
KB959465 - Write protection does not always work on SD memory cards
KB960071 - An access violation occurs when using an application that calls the SQLExecDirect function of the SQL Server ODBC driver to run a long query
KB960380 - A hyperlink control that is used to open a file or an e-mail message fails in an application that uses MSXML 6.0
KB960417 - When running an application that uses the SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime function, performance is very poor
KB960680 - Update the Slovak koruna currency symbol (Sk) to the Euro (€) the Turkish currency symbol from Yeni Türk Lirasi (YTL) to Türk Lirasi (TL)
KB960714 - Security update for Internet Explorer
Other Updates
Adobe Flash Player ActiveX Control
Code65536 FontReg 2.1.1
Microsoft European Union Expansion Font Update 1.2
Microsoft Qfecheck
Microsoft Update 7.2.6001.788
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (Includes KB954430 Hotfix)
Miscellaneous Tweaks
KB873374 - Microsoft GDI+ Detection Tool Registry Entry
KB890830 - Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool 2.6
Windows XP SP3 WBEM Fix
link download
Release Date .... January 31, 2009
Program Type ... OS
Protection ......... Gates?
Platform ............ Windows XP Professional SP3 Corporate With Vista Media Center DVD
Language .......... English
Image Type ....... DVD ISO
1. Unrar and burn with Nero/UltraISO
2. License Product key intergated.
Design base on Original Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 3
Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 3 - VL (x86) - CD (English)
Date Posted (UTC):5/2/2008 12:05:18 AM
Windows XP Professional with SP3 VL English
FILE: en_windows_xp_professional_with_service_pack_3_x86 _cd_vl_x14-73974.iso
Size: 589.14 MB
MD5: 5BF476E2FC445B8D06B3C2A6091FE3AA
SHA1: 66ac289ae27724c5ae17139227cbe78c01eefe40
Warez Intergated
Windows XP Post-SP3 Update Pack version 1.0.3
Mediacenter vista sounds
Windows MediaPlayer11
Internet Explorer7
Vista Drive
Uber Pack
Nlite\mp11 slipsteamer
KMPlayer with 11 skins (3 Vista)
Vista Codec Package 4.7.2
Setup billboard
Shell32 (avi's)
System properties
Logon screen
Removed recyclebin from desktop
Drivers intergated:
Sata/Raid drivers intergated so supported newest Laptop/Desktop
+Intel ICH7R/M, ICH8R/M, ICH9R/M or ICH10R/D S-ATA AHCI and RAID Controllers
+nForce2/3/4 SataRAID and PataRAID systems
Intergated all hotfixs update to January 18, 2009
KB281981 - Disconnected sessions retain the original variable
KB887606 - Microsoft XML Parser (MSXML) uses cached credentials incorrectly
KB898461 - Permanent copy of the Package Installer for Windows version
KB909520 - Software update for Base Smart Card Cryptographic Service Provider
KB917275 - Windows Rights Management Services for Windows XP
KB922120 - Network Map in Windows Vista does not display computers that are running Windows XP
KB931125 - Microsoft Root Certificates Update (November 2008)
KB932578 - Event ID 55 may be logged in the System log when creating many files on an NTFS partition
KB932716 - Image Mastering API v2.0 (IMAPIv2.0) update
KB938759 - Cannot distribute or install a software package if the software package contains a very large signed file
KB940648 - "You might not have permission to use this network resource" error when trying to open My Documents folder after resuming from hibernation
KB942213 - The MMC.exe program randomly becomes unresponsive when the user clicks OK or Cancel several times to close a Windows form
KB942288 - Windows Installer 4.5
KB943232 - An application that uses Sxs.dll crashes when running the application
KB943729 - New Group Policy preferences in Windows Server 2008
KB944043 - Windows Server 2008 read-only domain controller compatibility pack
KB946648 - Security update for Windows Messenger 4.7
KB947460 - ": is not accessible" error when trying to open a mapped DFS folder after coming out of standby
KB948046 - A Word document is not printed as expected after installing the Windows European Union Expansion Font pack
KB948101 - USB keyboard does not work after restarting a computer that has an NVIDIA 680i motherboard
KB948720 - Cannot install device drivers in a Windows Server 2008 cluster environment if the drivers contain LZ-compressed files
KB949033 - Severe video degradation and a Stop error when connecting a USB Webcam to the computer
KB949127 - Cannot establish a wireless connection using EAP authentication if the Service Set Identifier (SSID) includes a comma
KB949764 - A USB device no longer works after resuming computer from hibernation (S4)
KB949900 - The RunOnce.exe process may stop responding during the driver installation process
KB950234 - " is not accessible. Access is denied" error when trying to open a shared file in Windows Explorer
KB950312 - "The application failed to initialize properly (0xC0000142)" error when trying to start a console-based application
KB950616 - An audio application that uses the Portcls.sys file may stop responding
KB950762 - Vulnerabilities in Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) could allow denial of service
KB950974 - Vulnerability in Event System could allow remote code execution
KB951066 - Security update for Outlook Express
KB951126 - Multiprocessor computer stops responding on a black screen after resuming from hibernation
KB951163 - When trying to connect to the local computer using the MSTSC command, a black screen may appear for several minutes
KB951376 - Vulnerability in Bluetooth stack could allow remote code execution
KB951531 - The W32Time service does not synchronize the CMOS clock time to the Internet time after the W32Time service stops
KB951618 - A black screen occurs when upgrading the operating system on a computer that has Onekey Recovery 5.0 installed
KB951624 - A 30-second delay occurs during the initialization of some network-based applications
KB951698 - Vulnerabilities in DirectX could allow remote code execution
KB951709 - Event ID 26 when attaching two IDE ATA/ATAPI devices as master and subordinate IDE devices
KB951978 - Script output is not displayed as expected when running VBScript or JScript scripts
KB952069 - Security update for Windows Media Format Runtime and Media Foundation
KB952206 - Printer-driver upgrade fails on printer clients when multiple printer queues are upgraded at the same time
KB952954 - Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows Image Color Management could allow remote code execution
KB953024 - Rich Text Format (.rtf) files may not print correctly when using an application that uses the RichEdit control
KB953028 - An application experiences an access violation and then crashes if the computer has more than four cores or more than four logical processors
KB953155 - Vulnerability in Windows Internet Printing service could allow remote code execution
KB953609 - "At least one of your changes was not applied successfully to the wireless configuration" error when adding a wireless network
KB953761 - Some DHCP Options are not recognized when the DHCP server offer includes option 43
KB954193 - Jet 4.0 Database Engine cumulative hotfix package: July 2, 2008
KB954232 - On-Screen Keyboard behavior does not mimic the physical keyboard behavior in certain scenarios
KB954600 - Security update for Windows Media Player 6.4
KB954708 - Update to add support for the serialization of complex Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) data types in the Windows Imaging Component
KB954879 - The LSASS.exe process crashes and the computer restarts when trying to start the Network Access Protection Agent service
KB954920 - Various error messages when an application requests a result set from new SQL Server 2008 collations
KB955043 - A memory leak may occur when running an application that uses the DHTML Edit control
KB955069 - Security update for XML Core Services 3.0
KB955109 - 0xC0000005 (Access Violation) error when running an application that uses the Application Desktop Toolbar (AppBar) component
KB955356 - When trying to start a computer that is connected to an IEEE1394 hard disk, it stops responding before the logon screen appears
KB955417 - Protected storage (PStore) uses a lower-quality cryptographic function when the system locale is set to French (France)
KB955567 - Data corruption may occur when trying to append data to a FILESTREAM varbinary (max) column in SQL Server 2008
KB955576 - TAPI-based applications stop responding, and you cannot disconnect telephone calls on a Windows XP-based telephony server
KB955832 - SSL connection may fail when using Internet Explorer to make an SSL connection to an HTTPS Web site that is certified by a DSS certificate
KB955839 - Cumulative time zone update (December, 2008)
KB955843 - An ADO-based application may stop responding when it uses the adAsyncExecute option to open a Recordset object
KB955988 - The Win32_Environment WMI class doesn't return the value of the PATH environment variable if it contains more than 1,024 characters
KB956072 - Terminal server does not allow RDP connections whose encryption level is set to Low
KB956391 - Cumulative security update for ActiveX (October, 2008)
KB956625 - Computer becomes unstable or crashes after running Internet Explorer 7 for a long time
KB956802 - Vulnerabilities in GDI could allow remote code execution
KB956807 - The Unicode hyphen character (U+2010) is not drawn when using an application that uses GDI+ API functions
KB956841 - Vulnerability in Virtual Address Descriptor manipulation could allow elevation of privilege
KB957263 - Changes to the custom properties of a program that supports custom properties may not be saved
KB958106 - Some components of an application not displayed correctly in a Terminal Services session
KB958149 - Performance decreases when streaming isochronous data on a computer that has a TI IEEE1394 host controller
KB958215 - Cumulative security update for Internet Explorer (December, 2008)
KB958244 - System may stop responding when restarting a multicore computer
KB958282 - 0x00000050 stop error when an application calls the NtGdiRectInRegion function
KB958347 - Device that is connected through a 1394 FireWire hub is still present in system after hot unplugging it
KB958644 - Vulnerability in Server service could allow remote code execution
KB958655 - "API call rejected - No actions in Context" error when installing multiple MSI packages
KB958687 - Vulnerabilities in SMB could allow remote code execution
KB958752 - Application compatibility issue with the version of AFD.sys that is released with MS08-037 and MS08-066 security updates
KB958817 - Automatic Update window may stop responding when using a WSUS server to deploy updates
KB959237 - Internet Explorer crashes when browsing a page that fetches and filters a recordset asynchronously from an instance of SQL Server
KB959267 - After repeatedly docking and undocking a portable computer, unable to change state of attached network device
KB959334 - Text that has the font set to Arial Black and the font style set to bold may change so that the font style is set to italic opening the document
KB959439 - After uploading encrypted files to a WebDAV share, the files remain encrypted
KB959465 - Write protection does not always work on SD memory cards
KB960071 - An access violation occurs when using an application that calls the SQLExecDirect function of the SQL Server ODBC driver to run a long query
KB960380 - A hyperlink control that is used to open a file or an e-mail message fails in an application that uses MSXML 6.0
KB960417 - When running an application that uses the SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime function, performance is very poor
KB960680 - Update the Slovak koruna currency symbol (Sk) to the Euro (€) the Turkish currency symbol from Yeni Türk Lirasi (YTL) to Türk Lirasi (TL)
KB960714 - Security update for Internet Explorer
Other Updates
Adobe Flash Player ActiveX Control
Code65536 FontReg 2.1.1
Microsoft European Union Expansion Font Update 1.2
Microsoft Qfecheck
Microsoft Update 7.2.6001.788
MSXML 4.0 SP2 (Includes KB954430 Hotfix)
Miscellaneous Tweaks
KB873374 - Microsoft GDI+ Detection Tool Registry Entry
KB890830 - Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool 2.6
Windows XP SP3 WBEM Fix
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